Unionists face fines, jail

May 31, 2000

Unionists face fines, jail


MELBOURNE — Five hundred union delegates rallied outside the Federal Court on May 22 in support of three union officials found guilty of contempt of court for organising union meetings.

Electrical Trades Union state secretary Dean Mighell, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union metal division secretary Craig Johnston and Australian Workers Union organiser Cesar Melham were charged because of their role in organising mass meetings of union members in November to discuss Campaign 2000, a campaign to ensure an industry-wide agreement for Victoria's manufacturing sector. The meetings had been declared illegal under the Workplace Relations Act.

Melham apologised to the court for his role in organising the meetings. Mighell said he was prepared to go to jail rather than apologise.

The Victorian Trades Hall Council is planning a stoppage and mass demonstrations on June 14 to oppose proposed changes to federal industrial legislation and to express solidarity with the three officials.

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