Newcastle — Long-time US anti-war activist and socialist Barry Sheppard spoke at a public forum organised by the Newcastle branch of the Socialist Alliance on January 17.
Sheppard argued that the US-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were not the result of "bad" foreign policy decisions but flowed from the need of capitalist corporations to boost profits. He pointed out that the US government was already beginning to implement plans for the sale of major Iraqi public assets to US corporations.
Sheppard also argued that socialists must continue to agitate for all foreign troops to be pulled out of Iraq so as to allow the Iraqi people to determine their own political affairs.
Simon Butler
Residents' picket forces Sydney Water backdown
Wollongong — On January 12, work to place a sewer pipe across Towradgi Creek, north of Wollongong, was blocked by a week-long picket by 50 local residents.
The pipeline is part of the Sydney Water and Walter-Vivendi project to upgrade the Wollongong sewage treatment plant to a higher quality water recycling plant. BlueScope Steel (formerly BHP Steel) will be a majority beneficiary of the pipeline. Upon its completion, BlueScope will receive 20 million litres of treated effluent per day.
At a public meeting of 150 residents on January 17, frustration was expressed at the lack of consultation by Sydney Water. The meeting voted for an alternative plan put forward by local community activist Peter Sorenson, which would see the pipeline put under the local bridge. The result would be improved aesthetics because the bridge will be widened, so as to hide the pipeline, and raised to comply with flood regulations.
The South Coast Labour Council and the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union placed a work ban on the site and helped persuade union members not to cross the picket line.
On January 13, Sydney Water agreed to work on a compromise plan. "The residents are hoping that Sydney Water will come back with a costed alternative to the pipe going under the creek and to the pipe being an ugly visual scar on the landscape of Towradgi Creek", Illawarra Greens spokesperson Francis Paterson told the ABC.
Nicole Hilder
Steelworkers reject BlueScope pay offer
Wollongong — On January 21, a mass meeting of 2000 Port Kembla steelworkers voted near unanimously to reject a pay offer from their employer — BlueScope Steel, formerly BHP Steel.
The mass meeting of mainly Australian Workers Union (AWU) members rejected the offer of a 4.5% wage increase over the next three years due to the conditions attached.
The issue most concerning the workers is an agreement enforced by a NSW Industrial Relations Commission decision in 2002. The agreement is in practice a no-strike clause because it bans workers from dumping hot iron during disputes with their employer and enforces supply.
Another source of concern is the proposed replacement of workers on long service leave with casuals. This amounts to "creeping casualisation" according to the AWU and is strongly opposed by the workforce.
No industrial action has been planned yet. Negotiations between the AWU and BlueScope will continue until the current workplace agreement expires on March 18.
Chris Williams
Speakout says 'let Nauru refugees in'
Melbourne — "Only when all us are free will any of us be free", Graham Matthews, the Socialist Alliance candidate for the federal seat of Batman, told 50 people at a speakout at the Melbourne GPO on January 23.
The speakout was called by the Socialist Alliance to demand that the federal government grant entry and citizenship rights to all of the refugees detained on the Pacific Island state of Nauru.
Tony Iltis
Socialist Alliance plans election, anti-war work
Hobart — Fielding candidates in this year's federal election and building the anti-war movement were two of the key priorities decided on by the Hobart branch of the Socialist Alliance on January 22.
The meeting also agreed to take responsibility for financing and distributing 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly in Hobart, and to hold a Socialist Ideas Conference towards the end of the year.
The next Socialist Alliance meeting will be held at 6.30pm on February 5, at the Resistance Centre, 225 Murray St, Hobart. For further information, phone (03) 6234 6397.
Anthea Stutter
From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, January 28, 2004.
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