By Leslie Warne
WOLLONGONG — "Macedonia has a long and proud history and has been instrumental in the development of European culture, yet Greeks say we don't exist. I exist, I am here, I am flesh and blood", says Kiril Jonovski of the Illawarra Macedonian Lobby Group (IMLG).
While world attention has so far focused mainly on Slovenia, Croatia and now Bosnia-Hercegovina, a crisis is also brewing over the Macedonian republic's decision to break away from Yugoslavia.
In response to calls from the government of Macedonia, migrant communities in Australia and around the world have begun organising in support of their homeland's right to self-determination. Formed last December, the IMLG is affiliated to the Australia-wide Macedonian Human Rights Committee (MHRC). It has concentrated on informing local politicians of the need for Australia to recognise Macedonian sovereignty.
In a referendum last September, more than 95% of Macedonians in former Yugoslavia voted for independence, but European Community recognition is so far blocked by the veto of the Greek government — despite the EC's own Commission of Arbitration finding that Macedonia satisfies all criteria for recognition. Eleven of the 12 EC members support recognition.
The EC criteria include the existence of a permanent population and a democratically elected, stable government with the ability to enter into relations with other sovereign states. Macedonia has adopted a constitution guaranteeing full political, social, cultural and religious rights to all citizens.
Kiril Jonovski and Ilce Musarevski dismiss Greek claims that an independent Macedonia will have territorial ambitions against neighbouring states. Macedonia was divided between Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece after the Balkan War of 1912-13.
The new republic is actively seeking economic and cultural cooperation with neighbouring states and has declared that it has no territorial claims. On the other hand, the attitude of the Greek government has led to fears that it could have designs on the republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian part of Bulgaria.
Jonovski and Musarevski say Macedonians living in northern Greece are denied basic human rights, including freedom of religious expression and freedom of language. Macedonians living in Greece are forced to use Greek names. "Coloured people in South Africa have more human rights than Macedonians in Greece, the so-called cradle of democracy", says Musarevski, adding that Macedonia is in danger of becoming the "Palestine of the Balkans" if the EC persists with its refusal of recognition.
"It's about time the Greek government and the Greek community realised that they cannot avoid the truth any longer. The Macedonian question has become internationalised, and recognition will definitely come, hopefully sooner than later."
Australian Macedonians are annoyed by the Australian government's lack of support for Macedonian independence. The Keating government is waiting for a decision by the EC, but the MHRC thinks Australia should take a lead on what is fundamentally a human rights issue.
Rallies of Macedonians in Canberra and Sydney were largely ignored by the media even though they attracted around 10,000 and 3000 people. Jonovski notes the contrast with the considerable media coverage of chauvinist rallies organised mainly by right-wing elements in the Greek community.
The Illawarra branch of the Macedonian International Relief Fund has been raising money for urgently needed medical supplies. Established just over a month ago, the group has already raised $60,000 towards a target of $100,000.
The new republic is facing desperate shortages of food, medicines and oil because of blockades by Serbia to the north and Greece to the south. Vital telecommunication equipment is being held up by these unofficial blockades.
According to Olga Nikolovska, the Serbian-dominated Yugoslav federal army took massive amounts of medicine and equipment from Macedonian hospitals and conscripted Macedonian youth for the war against Croatia. Greek authorities opened and contaminated medicines before allowing them through to Macedonia, causing many preventable deaths.
Funds raised by the Illawarra group will be used to purchase medicines in Australia and fly them direct to Macedonia. Fundraising activities so far have included folk nights, dances, soccer tournaments, a radiothon on community station 2VOX FM, and a regular weekend telethon. The local branch of the ironworkers' union (FIMEE) allows the committee to use an office for the telethon.
Donations may be sent to the Commonwealth Bank Wollongong, branch number 2641, account number 10021733. The committee may be contacted at the Illawarra Macedonian Welfare Centre, 111 Wentworth St, Port Kembla, phone (042) 740 783.