Webinar: Fukushima. Never here.

Conferences & public forums


7:00pm Tuesday 11 March


On March 11 we commemorate 14 years since the terrible nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The impacts of this event are felt to this day with tens of thousands of people still displaced and tens of thousands of tonnes of contaminated liquid being routinely dumped in the Pacific.

Japan is a rich, technically sophisticated and modern country with  high safety standards., In these ways it is comparable to Australia - except that unlike Australia Japan has  decades of nuclear experience. If the Coalition's nuclear power proposal were to go ahead, the risk of a nuclear accident is always present.

On Tuesday March 11, as part of the National Day of Action against nuclear power, Don't Nuke the Climate invites you to a webinar on the risks and implications if a nuclear accident was to occur here and the implications in the Australian context. 

Speakers: Dr Tilman Ruff, Medical Assosication for Prevention of War, Dr Jim Green, National Nuclear Campaigner Friends of the Earth, Sakyo Noda, Japanese monitoring volunteer after Fukushima disaster. MC Nelli Stevenson.

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