Autonomy not integration
freedom not transmigration
independence not extermination
living forests not devastation
decency not exploitation
fair dealing not expropriation
peaceful lives not annihilation
indigenous voice not usurpation.
Stop the genocide
raise the Morning Star*
stop the raping
share the Freeport wealth
stop the jailing
sing Oh My Land Papua**
stop the ethnic cleansing
stop the murder
Indonesia: just stop!!!!
* The Morning Star flag was raised on December 1, 1961, an act that Papuan independence supporters celebrate each year. Many have been shot by Indonesian troops for flying this flag.
** "Hai Tanahku Papua" ("Oh My Land Papua"), which in 1961 was adopted as the national anthem.
From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, April 26, 2006.
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