The world condemns Honduras coup, demands elected President Manuel Zelaya returns

July 1, 2009

Below is just some of the many statements being released by governments, political parties, social movement organisations and solidarity groups around the world in support of the Honduran people as they struggle to restore elected President Manuel Zelaya, overthrown in a military coup on June 28. This is only some of the statements released. If your organisation has release a statement, email

From the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH):

Before the disgraceful coup d'etat in Honduras

We Will Not Be Silent or Humiliated!

To the National and International Community

The COPINH condemns the cowardly and dirty coup d'tat against the Constitutional President of the Republic Manuel Zelaya Rosales. We denounce the fascist and terrorist role of the armed forces, of the national congress headed by Roberto Michelleti Bain, of the communications media of sectors of the ultra-right, and the rest of the institutions submissive to the interests of the oligarchy and imperialism that this morning kidnapped the president, prior to the initiation of the popular consultation.

The people are still participating in the non-binding referendum鈥攅ven faced with repression, even as the campaign of fear continues, and even when confronted with the butt of soldiers' rifles. There is practically a state of siege in the capital and the rest of the country; electricity is cut off, they have a list of leaders to be captured, and Hondurans who are bravely demonstrating in front of the presidential residence are surrounded by tanks and helicopters.

Even so they have installed the polls and are exercising their right to participate in the consultation as a form of rebellion. The Honduran people are mobilizing.

Since early morning, our organization is calling out its members and has already begun the journey with representatives of the Lenca People on the way to Tegucigalpa.

We tell everyone that the Honduran people are carrying out large demonstrations, actions in their communities, in the municipalities; there are occupations of bridges, and a protest in front of the presidential residence, among others.

From the lands of Lempira, Moraz谩n and Visitaci贸n Padilla, we call on the Honduran people in general to demonstrate in defense of their rights and of real and direct democracy for the people, to the fascists we say that they will NOT silence us, that this cowardly act will turn back on them, with great force.


With the ancestral force of Iselaca and Lempira we raise our voices for life, justice, liberty, dignity and peace.

June 28, 2009

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Honduras: First communique from the Popular Resistance Front

Popular Resistance Front
28 June 2009

To the national and international community we communicate:

  1. That we denounce the fact that in the early hours of the morning on 28th June 2009 a brutal and inhumane military coup was perpetrated against the legally constituted Government of Manuel Zelaya Rosales, President of the Republic of Honduras.
  2. That it is not true that President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and his Cabinet have renounced their positions, and argument used by the National Congress to smear them, to make President Zelaya's dismissal official and to install Roberto Micheletti Ba铆n in his place.
  3. That the Honduran people and the international community only recognize Manuel Zelaya Rosales as the current and only President of the Republic of Honduras.
  4. That we have organized the Popular Resistance Front, permanently and at a national level, coordinating with all the municipalities in the country, to create active and peaceful resistance in order to restore constitutional order and respect for human rights.
  5. That the perpetrators of the /coup /have created a climate of insecurity, menace, capture and terror, that threatens the lives of the Honduran people and of all of us men and women who have demonstrated in favour of participatory democracy.
  6. We call for the solidarity of the national and international community to re-establish constitutional rights and the sovereignty of the Honduran people.
  7. That we should reject with dignity and esteem the siege of rumours and lies with which powerful groups and the perpetrators of the /coup /are trying to paralyze the popular will for democracy.
  8. We call on the entire population to remain alert and to peacefully occupy all the public spaces available to us, including the area around the Presidential Palace in Tegucigalpa, symbol of legally constituted democracy.

Tegucigalpa, 28^th June 2009

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ALBA Declaration on Honduras Coup D'etat

June 29th 2009, by Proclamation of the Extraordinary Presidential Council

Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA)

Proclamation of the Extraordinary Presidential Council
Managua, Republic of Nicaragua 29 June 2009

On Sunday the 28th of June in early hours of the morning, when the Honduran people were getting ready to exercise their democratic will through a poll with a consultative character, promoted by the President of the Republic Manuel Zelaya Rosales to deepen participative democracy, a group of hooded soldiers, who affirmed they had received orders from the High Command of the Armed Forces, assaulted the residence of President Zelaya, in order to kidnap him, disappear him for a number of hours and later expel him violently from his homeland.

Immediately, the people of Honduras reacted like the noble heirs of the legacy of Francisco Moraz谩n [1], in the streets of the cities and towns of Honduras. From the early hours of the morning hundreds of electoral booths received thousands of men and women who attended to exercise their right to vote, and on being informed of the kidnapping of their president, spilled out onto the streets to protest the coup d'etat, giving an example of heroism, to confront, unarmed, the guns and tanks.

Through the screens of Telesur, they managed to break the national and international silence that the dictatorship wanted to impose through closing the state television channel and cutting the electricity supply, aiming to conceal and justify the coup d'etat against their people and the international community - demonstrating an attitude that recalls the worst epoch of the dictatorships experienced in the 20th century in our continent.

With one single voice, the governments and peoples of the continent reacted condemning the coup d'etat, making clear that in Honduras there is only one President and one government: that of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales. At the same time, we salute the declarations of condemnation, that from very early, other governments of the world began to issue.

In the face of the urgency of the situation, the governments of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America immediately convoke an Extraordinary Presidential Council, with the objective of agreeing on forceful actions to defeat the coup d'etat in Honduras, to support the heroic people of Moraz谩n and to unconditionally re-establish the President Manuel Zelaya Rosales in his legitimate duties.

After analyzing the circumstances which have produced this coup d'etat, in the face of the gravity of the violations of International Law, the multilateral agreements and the accords of our countries with the Republic of Honduras, and in view of the categorical rejection that the international community has manifested in front of the dictatorial government that is trying to impose itself, the member countries of ALBA have decided to withdraw our Ambassadors and leave a minimum expression of our diplomatic representation in Tegucigalpa until the legitimate government of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales is reinstated in its duties.

Likewise we recognise as the only diplomatic representatives of Honduras in our countries, the personnel designated by President Zelaya. Under no circumstances will we accredit personnel designated by the usurpers.

Equally, as full members of the various systems of integration of the continent, we insist that our brother countries of UNASUR, SICA, CARICOM, the Rio Group, the UN and the OAS proceed in the same way in the face of the assailants of the Honduran people.

On the other hand, we have agreed to declare ourselves in permanent alert in order to accompany the valiant people of Honduras in the actions of struggle that they have convoked, and we invoke the content of Articles 2 and 3 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Honduras:

"Art. 2: Sovereignty corresponds to the People from which emanate all the Powers of the State that are exercised through representation. The Sovereignty of the People can also be exercised in a direct manner through a Plebiscite or Referendum. The supplanting of popular Sovereignty and the usurpation of the constituted powers are classified as crimes of Treason against the Fatherland. The responsibility in these cases is imprescriptible and can be deduced to the role or petition of any citizen."

"Art. 3: No one has to obey neither a usurper government nor those who assume functions or public employment through the force of arms or using measures or procedures that break or fail to recognise that which the Constitution and the laws establish. The acts verified by such authorities are invalid. The people have the right to resort to insurrection in defense of constitutional order."

As well as the principles of International Law respect the acts of resistance and rebellion of the people confronting the attempts at domination. To the teachers, workers, women, youth, peasants, indigenous peoples, honest business people, intellectuals and other actors of Honduran society, we assure that together we will win a great victory against the coup plotters that aim to impose themselves on the brave people of Francisco Moraz谩n.

Invoking the spirit and though of Francisco Moraz谩n, together with him, we proclaim to the coup plotters: "Men, you who have abused the rights of the people for a sordid and stingy interest! With you I speak, enemies of independence and liberty. If our actions, aimed at acquiring a homeland, can suffer a parallel to those Central Americans that you have persecuted and exiled, I challenge you to present them. Those same people, who have been humiliated, insulted, debased and betrayed so many times, that today are the arbiters of their destiny and ask for our advice, those people will be your judge."

Those who are leading the coup d'etat must know that it will be impossible to prevail and to make fun of international justice, to which sooner or later they will be subjected. We call on the officials and the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Honduras to rectify and to put their weapons at the service of the people of Honduras and their general commander, President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

The member countries of ALBA, in consultation with the governments of the continent and with various institutions that guarantee the fulfilment of International Law, we are bringing forward measures so that the grave violations and the crimes that are being committed aren't gotten away with.

The only path that remains for the coup makers to abandon their attitude and to guarantee immediately, unconditionally, and definitely, the return of President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales to his constitutional functions.

The Republic of Honduras is a full member of ALBA, and likewise of other regional integration and multilateral organisations, whose membership demand respect of the sovereignty of the people and the constitution. These fundamental conditions, having been violated by the coup makers, the governments of ALBA have decided to maintain all the cooperation programs that we have pre-empted with Honduras through President Zelaya.

Likewise, we propose that punitive measures are applied by all the multilateral integration organisations and mechanisms, which would help to enforce the immediate return to constitutional order in Honduras and would bring about the principles of action that Jose Marti referred to when he said, "Each person does their duty, and nothing can defeat us."

The governments of ALBA declare ourselves in a permanent consultation session, with all the governments of the continent, in order to evaluate further joint actions that enable us to accompany the Honduran people in the re-establishment of legality and the restitution of the President Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

Two hundreds years since the historic gesture that our peoples have developed throughout the continent, following the timeless example of the General of free men Augusto Cesar Sandino, of Francisco Morazan and faithful to the word of The Liberator Simon Bolivar, we put our hope with the people of Honduras and the peoples of the world for the sureness of victory, as, "all the peoples of the world who have wrestled for freedom have, in the end, exterminated their tyrants."

[1] Central American statesman, lawyer, orator, and general born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in 1792

Translated by Kiraz Janicke and Tamara Pearson for .

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs- Statement

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela condemns the coup d'茅tat that the Honduran oligarchy is attempting to perpetrate against the constitutional government of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and the people of Honduras.

President Manuel Zelaya Rosales was kidnapped, removed from his home by force, rendered incommunicado for several hours, and violently expelled from his country by a group of unpatriotic, coup-mongering soldiers. The hooded soldiers kidnapped Chancellor Patricia Rodas and also arbitrarily detained and beat the Ambassadors of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. These shameless soldiers are responsible before national and international laws for the crimes that they are committing and for the violation of the constitution and its laws.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela strongly urges the international community to condemn this situation and urges that the necessary measures be taken by us to defeat this coup d'茅tat in Honduras and to reestablish the legitimate government of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

Caracas, June 28, 2009

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Official Statement of Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez on Honduran Coup
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Washington
June 30, 2009

On Monday, June 29, 2009 the nine member states of ALBA met in Nicaragua to discuss immediate actions that could be taken in solidarity with the Honduran people following the unconstitutional ousting of their democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Sadly, this marks the first coup d'茅tat in Central American history in over two decades, constituting a brutal attack on democracy waged against a people who know far too well the atrocious suffering caused by military intervention.

It is unacceptable that on the very day when the Honduran people were preparing to exercise their democratic right at the polls in a non-binding survey this atrocious military attack was carried out. The survey, asking whether or not the citizens of Honduras agree with the possibility of voting on a measure that would enable the creation of a constituent assembly through referendum, is a measure that is rooted in Article 2 of the Honduran Constitution.

In response to the coup, the nine member states of ALBA declared yesterday that all Ambassadors would be immediately recalled, leaving the minimal diplomatic representation until the legitimate President, Manuel Zelaya is restored. Secondly, we vowed to only recognize diplomatic appointees of President Zelaya in our own countries and under no circumstances will we recognize those who have forcibly stolen democracy from the hands of their own people.

It is evident by the international outcry witnessed in neighboring countries, as well as those separated by land and sea, that the people of Latin America will never again allow for a return to the days of military dictatorships and coup d'茅tats. As is demonstrated by the brave citizens of Honduras, who risk their lives daily by protesting these unconstitutional actions, the spirit of the Honduran national hero Francisco Moraz谩n Quezada is alive and well in Central America today. Under international law we support the courageous efforts of those peacefully resisting this coup d'茅tat and appeal to other countries and international bodies to do the same and remove their diplomatic representation from Honduras immediately.

Venezuela, as a founding member of ALBA, demands respect for the sovereignty of the Honduran People and their Constitution, and we urge all nations who believe in the universal principles of peace and democracy to follow suit. For it is not only in our words that we can profess our ideals, but more importantly through our actions that we solidify them. We owe nothing less to the brave people of Honduras.

Bernardo Alvarez Herrera
Ambassador of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela in the United States
June 30, 2009

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Statement from Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer on Honduras
Monday, 29 June 2009 press release

This morning I am joined by the Ambassador for Cuba in Antigua and Barbuda His Excellency Mr Felix Raul Rohas Cruz and the Ambassador for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela His Excellency Mr. Javier Lopez.

As members of the Bolivarian Altternative for the Americas 鈥 ALBA, we join our counterparts in condemning vehemently the coup d'茅tat staged on Sunday against the constitutionally-established Government of Honduras, and the arbitrary detention and expulsion from the country of the constitutional president Jos茅 Manuel Zelaya Rosales, which has produced an unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order.

It was with shock that I also learned of the kidnapping of Foreign Affairs Minister Patricia Rodas and the temporary detention and mistreatment of the Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan Ambassadors.

Today, I have instructed Antigua and Barbuda's Diplomats at the Organisation of American States OAS and at the United Nations to fully support every effort to ensure the return of legal order in the Republic of Honduras and the restitution to his duties of Manuel Zelaya, the legitimate Constitutional president of the country.

As a member of ALBA, Antigua and Barbuda does not recognize any government other than the legitimate government of President Zelaya.

Have you ever wondered about the balance between the individual's freedom to move and the government's right to remove?

As a government that believes in the right of a people to elect their own government, Antigua and Barbuda expresses our solidarity with the civic and democratic demonstrations of the brotherly people of Honduras who demand the restitution of President Manuel Zelaya to his duties.

Today, The Republic of Cuba, The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Antigua and Barbuda also join with our other six counterparts in calling for the re-convening of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly to take whatever decisions it considers appropriate, in accordance with its charters and international law.

We also vehemently condemn all acts of violence and demand that the physical safety and security of those individuals apprehended be respected and that they be released immediately.

I conclude by expressing our unconditional solidarity with the people and President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya and call for the principles of democracy and good governance to be immediately restored.

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Statement by the (AVSN)


The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN) strongly condemns the undemocratic coup conducted by a small group of military, members of the oligarchy and their political agents in Honduras. The violent kidnapping and expulsion to Costa Rica of democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya is a ruthless attack on the rights of the Honduran people to freely elect their own leaders, and decide their own political future.

The pretext for the coup was no more than the president's plan for a non-binding national poll to determine support for a future referendum on the convening of a Constituent Assembly to recommend changes to the undemocratic Honduran Constitution, which was imposed on the country during the Reagan administration's puppet regime in Honduras in 1982. Now the congressman who organised the poll has reportedly been assassinated by the military.

The assault on the Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan ambassadors, who were trying to protect the foreign minister of Honduras from arrest by the military, is a further threat to the international Bolivarian movement for unity and social change throughout Latin America. AVSN declares that an attack on any progressive Latin American government 鈥 especially a member of the Bolivarian Alliance for Latin America (ALBA), as Honduras is 鈥 is a danger to all people's governments in the region.

This return to the era of military coups is a throwback to the dark past of Latin America of decades ago, and must be firmly rejected by all the peoples and governments of the world.

In particular, we call on the governments of the United States, Europe and Australia to resolutely condemn this coup, to refuse any recognition to the new, fraudulent regime in Honduras, and to cut off all military, economic and political ties with the Honduran junta.

We salute Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez when he warned of CIA involvement in the Honduran events, and when he called on US President Barrack Obama to "reject the coup right from the marrow." We also fully support the moves by the nine governments of ALBA to prepare a plan of action to combat the coup. We also note the vigorous condemnation of the Honduran coup by the Organisation of American States.

Moreover, we call on the United Nations Security Council to convene an emergency meeting to condemn the coup and completely isolate the coup-plotters internationally until President Zelaya is returned to his rightful presidential office, all Honduran military forces are sent back to their barracks and the coup-plotters arrested and put on trial for their crimes.

We pledge the full solidarity of the AVSN and the Latin American solidarity movement in Australia until the coup is overturned and democratic rights reinstalled in Honduras.

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Restore democracy in Honduras!

Statement from the
July 2, 2009

The Socialist Alliance strongly condemns the June 28 coup d'etat by the military, members of the oligarchy and their political agents in Honduras. The violent kidnapping and expulsion to Costa Rica of democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya Rosales is an attempt to deny the people of Honduras their fundamental human rights to determine their own government and political future.

The coup took place as millions of Hondurans were preparing to exercise their right to vote for the first time in a consultative referendum on the future convening of a constitutional assembly to reform Honduras' constitution. The Zelaya government's proposal to draft a new constitution is the culmination of other measures under his presidency that have come under attack by conservative forces, including a significant raise in the minimum wage, measures to re-nationalise energy generation plants and telecommunications, signing a bill to greatly improve labour conditions for teachers, joining the Venezuelan Petrocaribe program, and delaying recognition of the new United States ambassador after the Bolivian government implicated the US embassy in
supporting paramilitary groups destabilizing Bolivia.

The Socialist Alliance also condemns the June 28 assassination by the armed forces of Honduran congressperson Cesar Ham, the organiser of the consultative referendum on a new constitution, and the abduction of Honduran foreign minister Patricia Rodas. The assault and attempted kidnapping on the Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan ambassadors in Honduras, who were trying to protect Rodas was a direct attack on the
Bolivarian movement for unity and progressive change in Latin America.

The Socialist Alliance is very concerned for the safety of the human rights organisations that have supported the president and the efforts for constitutional reform. Reports of the military pursuing civil society leaders in the street and of leaders of the National Council of Indigenous Peoples being forced into hiding must be responded to be all who support freedom.

We applaud and stand in solidarity with the thousands of brave Hondurans who have mobilised to defend democracy by demonstrating in the streets and attempting to exercise their right to participate in the referendum despite intimidation and assault by the armed forces. We also solidarise with the Honduran trade unions and social movements calling for a general strike in support of their ousted president.

The Socialist Alliance congratulates the nine governments of ALBA, the Organization of American States, and the UN General Assembly president Miguel D'Escoto for their immediate condemnation of the coup and support for Zelaya as the only legitimate president of Honduras. We note that the European Union and numerous governments have condemned the coup, and call on the Australian government to:

  • Refuse to recognise the Congressional appointed 'de facto' government of Roberto Michelletti;
  • Demand the immediate, safe return of the President Zelaya and foreign minister Rodas, and the reconstitution of the elected government;
  • Demand the immediate release of all political and social movement organisation leaders who have been detained by the military;
  • Insist on respect for the safety and human rights of all Hondurans; and
  • Support calls from the Honduran people for the coup leaders to be arrested and tried for their crimes.

We pledge the Socialist Alliance's active solidarity with the Honduran
people's fight for democracy and justice, and will continue to protest
until the coup is overturned and democratic rights are reinstalled in

For further information: Lisa Macdonald 0413 031 108

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in solidarity to the people of Honduras

Tim Dobson, Resistance national executive member

The news of a military coup d'etat in Honduras reached most Resistance activists as they awoke on Monday morning on the 29th of June. There was much sadness, anger and frustration but also determination to not allow yet enough coup to happen against a democratically elected leader in the Americas.

First and foremost, Resistance rejects the coup d'etat and believes the government installed by the coup is illegitimate and has no mandate. We agree with The Organisation of American States, that this was "an unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order' in Honduras and that there is only one president of Honduras, the democratically elected, Manuel Zelaya.

Those in the government installed by the military and the military itself have constantly sought to deny the Honduran people their most basic democratic rights. This coup itself was justified on the grounds that the Honduran people were to be consulted in a referendum about whether a constitutional assembly should be convened in order to reform the constitution. The current constitution itself was written in 1982, during the time when the Reagan administration was funding death squads throughout Central America. It is an outdated and undemocratic constitution which entrenches the rule of a powerful elite.

The Supreme Court ruled the vote illegal, after pressure was applied by right wing parties, so the ballot was to be non-binding. The military refused to distribute the electoral material for the referendum. So, the head of the high military command, General Romeo V谩squez was fired. In Honduras, as in the United States, the president has the final say on military matters. In spite of this the Honduras' Supreme Court reinstated General Romeo V谩squez to his position.

All throughout this period the people of Honduras were mobilizing in big numbers to defend their president and their right to have a say in the direction of their country. The right wing parties have formed an alliance with the military in order to ensure that the popular will of the people is not heard.

The actions of the military after the coup d'etat are quite telling in who and what they represent. Reports have emerged that the military junta took away the Cuban ambassador and left the Venezuelan ambassador on the side of a road after beating him. Cuba and Venezuela are easily identified as the countries leading the process of radical social change occurring through Latin America. Along with Cuba and Venezuela, Honduras was a Member of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our America (ALBA), an economic social, political, and economic integration organisation based on the principles of cooperation and solidarity.

This type of coup is not unprecedented; in fact the continent of America has been plagued by them, most of whom have had the support of the United States. In April 2002, the progressive government of Venezuela was overthrown with the support of the United States. But this coup was short-lived, due to the massive mobilisations of the poor and oppressed in Venezuela, which helped to see Chavez re-installed as President.

Certainly, the Honduran people will seek to mobilize against the Coup. Zelaya himself has said "There should be demonstrations everywhere.". Some workers organisations within Honduras have called a general strike against the coup. The new coup government, led by Roberto Micheletti have grave fears of this happening, which is why as one of the first moves, they imposed an overnight curfew.

Resistance expresses complete support and solidarity to the people of Honduras in their struggle. This solidarity will not just happen in words, we will seek and call on others to put as much pressure as possible on the Australian government to not recognize the coup government. As of writing, the Australian government had not a word to say about the situation in Honduras. We believe this must immediately change and that the Australian government must follow the lead of the Organisation of American States and many other nations and say they will not recognize any government but that of President Manuel Zelaya.

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From Via Campesina International:

Urgent Call In Solidarity with the Organizations of Via Campesina and the People of Honduras

With the objective of deepening democracy and achieving broader democratic participation, for several months the social organizations of Honduras along with President Manuel Zelaya Rosales have promoted holding a survey (non-binding referendum) this June 28, 2009.

To our great surprise, today at 5:00 A.M. the armed forces carried out a coup d'etat against President Zelaya, blocking in this way, the democratic aspirations of the population that was preparing to carry out the popular consultation.

On hearing this news, the social organizations of of Honduras, including those of Via Campesina, have gone out into the streets to repudiate this deed and demand the return of President Zelaya to that functions that they law mandates.

The government of President Zelaya has been characterized by its defense of workers and campesinos, it is a defender of the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA), and during his administration it has promoted actions that benefit Honduran campesinos.

We believe that these deeds are the desperate acts of the national oligarchy and the hardcore right to preserve the interests of capital, and in particular, of the large transnational corporations. To that end, that have made use of the military forces and the institutions of the country such as the parliament, ministers, neoliberal press and others.

Faced with this unacceptable situation, Via Campesina International demands:

  1. Re-establishment of the constitutional order, without bloodshed
  2. We call on the army not to repress the population of Honduras that demands a return to democracy
  3. That the physical integrity of social leaders, including Rafael Alegria鈥攊nternational leader of Via Campesina鈥攊s respected
  4. We demand the return of President Zelaya to his functions in Honduras
  5. That the authorities guarantee the full democratic exercise of the popular consultation, which is clearly a form of free expression.

From Via Campesina International, we are concerned for the safety of our leaders and organizations of Via Campesina, as well as what could happen to the people of Honduras, in these difficult times.

We also call on campesino organizations and other social movements to protest in front of the Honduran embassies and send letters rejecting the coup d'etat to the embassies in each of their countries.

We express our solidarity with our campesino organizations in Honduras.

International Coordinating Committee (CCI) of V铆a Campesina
Globalize the Struggle!! Globalize Hope!! Mali, 脕frica, June 28, 2009

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COSATU condemns the coup in Honduras

By Patrick Craven, national spokesperson for the Congress of South African Trade Unions

July 2, 2009 鈥 The Congress of South African Trade Unions calls on all democrats, workers and revolutionaries to condemn the coup in Honduras which has overthrown leftist President, Manuel Zelaya.

He was abducted from his official residence by the Honduran army and forcibly taken to Costa Rica on Sunday morning. It followed a growing controversy over a vote over term limits between the President and General Romeo Vasquez, who is reportedly in charge of the armed forces that abducted the President.

According to the US-based Institute for Southern Studies (ISS), "At least two leaders of the coup launched in Honduras on June 28 were apparently trained at a controversial Department of Defence school based at Fort Benning, Georgia, infamous for producing graduates linked to torture, death squads and other human rights abuses."

Also at stake is the life of Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas, whose whereabouts are unknown. She was with the ambassadors of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in Honduras when 15 soldiers wearing ski masks broke into their meeting place. The soldiers pushed and beat then, stole their cell phones and took them to an air base.

These cruel acts are reminiscent of past dictators in Latin America, such as Pinochet, who were in the active service of US imperialism. These brutal dictatorships were used against to attack and kill communists and other revolutionary activists who were defending the people's natural resources and democratic rights.

This is a dastardly act of cowardice against a democratically elected leader of the Honduran people, who have chosen to follow the path of Cuba, Venezuela and other countries that have opted out of the clutches of neo-colonial imperialism supervised by the US.

This coup has lessons for Africa, where we also struggle daily with the reality of underdevelopment, neo-colonial plunder of our natural resources and destabilisation through proxy forces killing our people.

We call on the global trade union movement to condemn this act, and defend democracy and the right of the Honduran people to choose their own leaders freely.

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Statement from the

The Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) condemns the military coup against the democratically elected Honduran President Zelaya. The Honduran social movements, who are courageously resisting the military take-over through protests, occupations and strikes, are calling on the international community to speak up in defense of real and direct democracy, for life, justice, liberty, dignity and peace.

Call the State Department and the White House and ask for actions, not merely words, including:

  1. A cut off of all US aid (as required by US law) until Zelaya is safely returned to office.
  2. Financial sanctions against the coup plotters
  3. An investigation into what signals U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Hugo Llorens gave to coup plotters before the coup.

State Department: 207.647.4000 or 1-800-877-8339
White House: Comments: 202-456-1111
Click here to send a message to President Barack Obama

Background: A military coup took place in Honduras on Sunday, June 28, led by SOA graduate Romeo Vasquez. In the early hours of the day, members of the Honduran military surrounded the presidential palace and forced the democratically elected president, Manuel Zelaya, into custody. He was immediately flown to Costa Rica.

A national referendum had been scheduled to take place on Sunday in Honduras to consult the electorate on a proposal of holding a Constitutional Assembly in November. General Vasquez had refused to comply with this vote and was deposed by the president, only to later be reinstated by the Congress and Supreme Court.

The Honduran state television was taken off the air. The electricity supply to the capital Tegucigalpa, as well telephone and cellphone lines were cut. Government institutions were taken over by the military. While the traditional political parties, Catholic church and military have not issued any statements, the people of Honduras are going into the streets, in spite of the fact that the streets are militarized. From Costa Rica, President Zelaya has called for a non-violent response from the people of Honduras, and for international solidarity for the Honduran democracy.

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June 28, 2009

CONSIDERING the grave situation taking place in the Republic of Honduras as a result of the coup d'etat against the government of President Jos茅 Manuel Zelaya Rosales, which has produced an unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order, which the Permanent Council rejects and repudiates;

CONCERNED with the break-down of the constitutional order in the Republic of Honduras;

REAFIRMING the importance of strict adherence and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other States;

REITERATING the principles established in the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Democratic Charter on the strengthening and preservation of the democratic institutional system in member states, and

RECALLING CP/RES. 952 (1699/09) of June 26, 2009, relative to the situation in Honduras,


  1. To condemn vehemently the coup d'茅tat staged this morning against the constitutionally-established Government of Honduras, and the arbitrary detention and expulsion from the country of the constitutional president Jos茅 Manuel Zelaya Rosales, which has produced an unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order.
  2. To demand the immediate, safe and unconditional return of President Jos茅 Manuel Zelaya Rosales to his constitutional functions.
  3. To declare that no government arising from this unconstitutional interruption will be recognized.
  4. To instruct the Secretary General of the OAS to urgently attend the meeting of the Central American Integration System (SICA), that will take place in Managua, Nicaragua, and in accordance with Article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, to carry out all necessary consultations with the member states of the Organization.
  5. To vehemently condemn all acts of violence and especially the reported arbitrary detention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Rodas, other Ministers of Government, as well as the Mayor of San Pedro Sula, and associated individuals, and to demand that their physical safety and security be respected and that they be released immediately.
  6. To immediately convene a special session of the OAS General Assembly to take place at the headquarters of the Organization, on Tuesday, June 30, 2009, to take whatever decisions it considers appropriate, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of American States, international law, and the provisions of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
  7. To instruct the Secretary General to transmit the resolution to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

* * *

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (Britain) Statement on military coup in Honduras

Today (Sunday June 29, 2009) there was to be non-binding national consultation as to whether the people of Honduras agreed to hold referenda at the end of the year for a new Constitional Assembly and for a new constitution. Just on Saturday June 28, President Zelaya was meeting international observers regarding details of today's (29 June) referendum.

Early this morning -June 29- (about 5:45 am Honduran time) heavily armed units of the military (according to eye witnesses, about 200 soldiers) occupied the presidential palace, arrested democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya in his personal residence, kidnapped him, taking him to an unknow destination. Eye witnesses inform that President Zelaya's personal residence is surrounded by soldiers. Telesur report that President Zelaya confirmed by phone that he is in Costa Rica.

The military then proceeded to close down Channel 8, the state TV channel to prevent it from informing the population.

President Manuel Zelaya's supporters are congregating in the streets of the capital and are moving to surround the presidential palace to demand the return of their president.

We totally and absolutely condemn the coup against democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya and demand his immediate and unconditional release as well as the immediater release of anybody else that might have been arrested by the plotters.

We demand:

  1. The immediate restitution of the constitutional order interrupted by the military coup underway in Honduras.
  2. No violence of any kind to be unleashed against the civilian population, or any of the those arrested by those carrying out the coup d'etat. There are worrying reports emerging from Tegucigalpa -Honduras cpital city- of military violence against civilians.
  3. We also urge the UK government to unequivocally condemn the coup and demand the release of President Zelaya, and the immediate return to the constitutional order.
  4. We also call upon President Barack Obama to demonstrate with acts his expressed desire to inaugurate a new period of respectful relations with the republics in Latin America, by also unreservedly condemning the coup d'etat, stating that the US will not recognise any other government in Honduras except that of the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya.

Ken Livingstone, the former Mayor of London, and President of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, has condemned the military coup in Honduras and demanded the release of the democratically elected President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya.

Ken Livingstone said:

'I totally condemn the military coup and kidnapping of the democratically elected President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya.

'President Zelaya was working to free his country from decades hunger and poverty. This military coup is an illegal attempt to use armed force to overturn the course of democracy and social progress chosen by the Honduran people at the polls.

'The world should unite to stop this attempt to return Latin America to the bloody past of military coups to block the will of the people.

'I call particularly upon the British government to unreservedly condemn this military coup and to demand the immediate release of President Zelaya and to urge President Obama, who has promised a new era of relations between the US and South America, to do everything in his power to support the release of President Zelaya and restoration of democracy in Honduras.'

Francisco Dominguez
Secretary Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

* * *

Bolivarian Circle of the Netherlands statement

The Bolivarian Circle of the Netherlands joins the solidarity with the people of Honduras and the democratic and legitimate government formed by President Manuel Zelaya.

We openly reject the kidnapping of the president of Honduras, as well as the agression against the embassadors of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

We condemn the kidnapping of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Rodas, and we empathize with the pain the coup has caused for the family of the victims.

We call out for the International Organizations to demand freedom of speech and mobility for the people of Honduras.
We request the democratic countries not to acknowledge the temporary government that has been installed by the ones who inflicted the coup and to demand the return of democracy.

We strongly support the unity of the ALBA countries; this Bolivarian unity, which is a regional proposal for integration with a new economic moral, with the aim of banishing poverty

These fraternally united countries today take their responsibility and support the democratically chosen president Zelaya and his people who mobilize at this moment to save their president and the Democracy.

The noble ideals of President Zelaya we see today being limited with brutal effort by a powerful, social sector from the Army, a sector of the Legal Power and a group within the Government, that wants to give a false impression of the Constitutional State.

We call up the soldiers of Honduras not to shoot at its own people.

We summon the international community not to be deceived, the military coup is illegal and antidemocratic.

We show our deep concern for the prisoners and the persecuted. We condemn the killings which have been caused by the fascistic oppression of the unarmed people.

The people of Honduras and their president Manuel Zelaya are not alone. Our rejection of this coup d'etat corresponds to the demand for justice expressed all over the world.

The peace of Latin America is in danger. It is legitimate and justified to break with the economic dependance.

The capitalistic crisis manifests itself in new ways, let us not accept the fact that the unprotected people have to pay the bill of the capitalistic system.

Yes to Participative Democracy, to the right of the Hondurese People to be consulted.

For the Sake of Democracy and Peace. Let us condemn the injustice going on in Honduras.

* * *

Join Demand for Return of President Zelaya!
Stand in Solidarity with the People of Honduras!

[This action alert comes to you from the Alliance for Global Justice and its member projects, the Nicaragua Network, the Campaign for Labor Rights, the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, and the Respect for Democracy Campaign.]

OAS, Obama Administration, ALBA, United Nations, international popular movements all call for restoration of Manuel Zelaya to the presidency of Honduras!

The Alliance for Global Justice joins the Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC)鈥攐f which we are an active member鈥攊n condemning the military coup against the democratically elected Honduran President Zelaya. The Honduran social movements, who are courageously resisting the military take-over through protests, occupations and strikes, are calling on the international community to speak up in defense of real and direct democracy, for life, justice, liberty, dignity and peace.

As this action alert is being written, more and more Hondurans are protesting in Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Progreso and other cities where they are being attacked by police with tear gas, water cannon and clubs. A number have been seriously injured. But two infantry battalions are reported to have risen against the coup government and said that they would not obey orders from the illegal president!

Call the State Department and the White House and ask for actions, not merely words, including:

  1. A cut off of all US aid (as required by US law) until Zelaya is safely returned to office. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said today the US is delaying a decision on aid cut-off, exactly the wrong message to send to the Honduran coup leaders.
  2. Financial sanctions against the coup plotters;
  3. An investigation into what signals U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Hugo Llorens gave to coup plotters before the coup.

* * *

Friends of the Earth International statement

Friends of the Earth International condemns the illegal expulsion of the Honduran President and expresses its solidarity with Friends of the Earth Honduras and all the forces struggling for democracy in the country.

honduras-coup-tn.jpgFriends of the Earth International is deeply worried about the current situation in the republic of Honduras and expresses its unreserved condemnation for the illegal detention and expulsion of the constitutional president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya by the armed forces.

Friends of the Earth International demands the restoration of the Honduran president and the unconditional respect for democracy.

Friends of the Earth International expresses its solidarity with Friends of the Earth Honduras / Movimiento Madre Tierra and all the forces struggling for democracy in Honduras.

The entire international community must demand the return of the democratically elected president.

Friends of the Earth International invites citizens worldwide to protest and send letters to the embassies of Honduras worldwide, demanding the restoration of the elected Honduran president and the unconditional respect for democracy. The will of the Honduran people must be respected at all times.

take action

Please write to your nearest Honduran embassy and demand the restoration of the elected President and the unconditional respect for democracy.

* * *

Latin American Committee and Wellington Zapatista Support Group

29 June 2009

Contact: Paul Bruce nz Ph 04 021 02719370

Julie Webb-Pullman jwebbp@gmail. com Ph: 027 3534 756

The Latin American Committee and the Wellington Zapatista Support Group strongly condemn Sunday's military coup against the Constitutional President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

We also strongly condemn the assassination of Honduran congressman Cesar Ham, organizer of the Opinion Poll on a New Constitution, and the abduction of Honduran Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas on the same day.

We are deeply concerned by reports that there is a virtual state of siege in the capital Tegucigalpa, where electricity and telephones have been cut off, radio and state television stations shut down, Hondurans demonstrating in front of the presidential residence are surrounded by tanks and helicopters, and members of opposition parties are being rounded up and detained.

We note that:

  • the United States Ambassador to Honduras has stated that "The only president the United States recognizes is President Manuel Zelaya,"
  • The Organization of American States (OAS) has unanimously backed President Manuel Zelaya as the only legitimate president of Honduras,
  • US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said "The action taken against Honduran Presdient Manuel Zelaya violates the precepts of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and thus should be condemned by all,"
  • The United Nations General Assembly President Miguel D'Escoto "clearly and strongly condemns the attempted coup d'etat that is currently unfolding against the democratically elected Government of President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras,"
  • Numerous governments have condemned the coup, including those of Cuba, Argentina, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and the European Union,

and request that the New Zealand Government immediately condemn the coup in Honduras, and demand the return of President Zelaya to his country.

Latin America Solidarity Committee nz
http://www.converge index.htm

* * *

Bolivarian Circle of the Netherlands statement

The Bolivarian Circle of the Netherlands joins the solidarity with the people of Honduras and the democratic and legitimate government formed by President Manuel Zelaya.

We openly reject the kidnapping of the president of Honduras, as well as the agression against the ambassadors of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

We condemn the kidnapping of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Rodas, and we empathize with the pain the coup has caused for the family of the victims.

We call out for the International Organizations to demand freedom of speech and mobility for the people of Honduras.
We request the democratic countries not to acknowledge the temporary government that has been installed by the ones who inflicted the coup and to demand the return of democracy.

We strongly support the unity of the ALBA countries; this Bolivarian unity, which is a regional proposal for integration with a new economic moral, with the aim of banishing poverty

These fraternally united countries today take their responsibility and support the democratically chosen president Zelaya and his people who mobilize at this moment to save their president and the Democracy.

The noble ideals of President Zelaya we see today being limited with brutal effort by a powerful, social sector from the Army, a sector of the Legal Power and a group within the Government, that wants to give a false impression of the Constitutional State.

We call up the soldiers of Honduras not to shoot at its own people.

We summon the international community not to be deceived, the military coup is illegal and antidemocratic.

We show our deep concern for the prisoners and the persecuted. We condemn the killings which have been caused by the fascistic oppression of the unarmed people.

The people of Honduras and their president Manuel Zelaya are not alone. Our rejection of this coup d'etat corresponds to the demand for justice expressed all over the world.

The peace of Latin America is in danger. It is legitimate and justified to break with the economic dependance.

The capitalistic crisis manifests itself in new ways, let us not accept the fact that the unprotected people have to pay the bill of the capitalistic system.

Yes to Participative Democracy, to the right of the Hondurese People to be consulted.

For the Sake of Democracy and Peace. Let us condemn the injustice going on in Honduras.

* * *

Hands Off Venezuela 鈥 Finland declaration

A coup d'茅tat has today taken place in Honduras. Our information tells us president Manuel Zelaya has been fetched from his home in the early hours of the morning, by miltary force, and taken, still in pyjamas, to an aircraft, which then carried him to Costa Rica. The Supreme Court of Honduras has announced they have approved of this action, the congress has been read a forged letter of resignation from the president, and they have named another person as acting president. However, president Zelaya has spoken in the international media, confirming he still is Honduran president.

The supreme court does not elect a president, neither does a congress or a parliament; it doesn't happen thus in Finland, nor in Honduras. President is elected by the people..

We condemn with utmost indignation the illegal actions above, and presume president Zelaya will soonest be invited back to his country and to his post

It was intended that a non-binding referendum be executed today in Honduras of whether a a constitutional assembly should be called to convene, and this process has been strongly resisted by some political parties. According to our information, 400 000 hondurans have undersigned a petition asking for this referendum to be organized. We regard, in such circumstances, democracy demands the vote be allowed to happen. Hindering a vote by military force, instead, is a clearly undemocratic, shameful act.

Some information tells us the cuban and venezuelan ambassadors to Honduras have been beaten, also by the military. Thus, diplomatic immunity granted by Vienna convention, has been breached. Evidently the foreign minister, Patricia Rodas, has been snatched, too.

We hope legality be reinstated in Honduras soonest. Coup d'茅tats have a long and bloody tradition in Latin America, it is high time to absolutely forsake such methods ! And condemn those who commit them, as well as those who will accept them.

Who continuously pay lipsevice to freedom and democracy, may they now raise their voices and demand the immediate return of president Manuel Zelaya, elected by his people, to his presidential post, and a condition of legality and democracy to again reign in Honduras.

Solidarity, sisters and brothers- let us stand together with the people of Honduras ! Venceremos !

* * *

statement on events in Honduras
30 June 2009

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign condemns the coup carried out by members of the armed forces against the elected government of Honduras led by President Manuel Zelaya and calls for his immediate and unconditional reinstatement.

The Campaign notes the united action by trade unions, farmers and other members of society that has been taken including the general strike by public sector workers and members of the General Labour Union (CGT) in Honduras.

We condemn the actions against members of the Government of Honduras including the Foreign Secretary who, although now released, was initially kidnapped by armed forces along with the Ambassadors of Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba .

We note the call by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon and numerous other international figures for the reinstatement of President Zelaya and the restoration of his Government to office. We believe that the British Government should support these calls.

The Campaign believes that the objective of the coup is both to destroy the progress that has been achieved in Honduras itself and is an attack on the involvement of the country in ALBA 鈥 the Bolivarian alternative of the Latin American continent.

We express our solidarity with the peoples of Honduras in their courageous attempts to thwart this coup and in their attempts to restore President Zelaya to office.

* * *

No To Coup in Honduras!
Restore Demoracy! Reinstate the Democratically Elected President!

30 June 2009

Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) strongly condemns the coup d'etat organised by military and right-wing political elite in Honduras on 28 June 2009, which ousted the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya.

The coup took place just hours before the people of Honduras go out to vote on a consultative referendum concerning whether to rewrite the constitution. The current Honduran Constitution which was written in 1982 during the height of the US administration's dirty war in Central America, was designed to ensure the ruling elite who have closed ties with the imperialist US to consolidate their powers with little interference from the ordinary people.

The consultative referendum proposed by President Manuel Zelaya is merely an opinion poll for the Hondurans to determine whether they are prepared to enter into a democratic process to modify their constitution. The referendum though is a not-binding vote, has been viewed by many unions and peasant groups as a necessary precursor to economic reforms favoring Honduras's poor majority. Yet, the right-wing political elites are threatened by it and used every mean to stop the people of Honduras to determine their future by themselves.

President Manuel Zelaya, elected in 2005, has increasingly come under attack by the right-wing forces in Honduras for his growing relationship with the ALBA countries. The coup is clearly a cowardice act by the right-wing political elite and US-backed economic interests which in fear of losing their grip on this Central American country when it move closer with countries which are now undergoing revolutionary process like Venezuela.

PSM calls for:

  1. Restore democracy in Honduras
  2. Immediately reinstate the democratically elected President Zelaya
  3. People of Honduras have their right to determine whether to re-write the out-dated imperialist influenced constitution in order to restructure its society for the benefit of ordinary vast majority.

No to coup! Power to the People!

* * *

Statement of Labor Party Pakistan:

LPP flays coup in Honduras

The Labour Party Pakistan (LPP) condemns the military take over in Honduras. The LPP considers the coup an attack on democratic values not only in the country but all over the world.

The LPP is in solidarity with those peasants and workers in Honduras who are struggling to overthrow the generals and sacrificing their lives. It calls on all the progressive forces to unite for the restoration of the democracy.

The LPP thinks the ruling classes along with country's Supreme Court joined hands to put an end to pro-people reforms that President Manual Zelaya was implementing. The coup is a response by anti-democratic forces to changes benefiting the working classes.
The efforts of the President Zelaya to amend the constitution was a right step in a right direction.

The current constitution, written in 1982 during the height of the US administration's dirty war in Central America, was designed to fortify ruling classes. Those in control of economic and political power do not want even a little interference by the masses.

President Zelaya's proposal for a referendum on the issue was his constitutional right. The support lent by a majority of labour unions and social movements in the country shows that his move had widespread support among the people.

The LPP condemns the fact that the military take over in Honduras has not been mentioned very much in the mainstream media in Pakistan. The government has not issued any statement to condemn this take over. The LPP demands of Pakistan government, led by Pakistan Peoples Party, to condemn the coup and side with the forces striving to reverse the military take over.

The LPP also condemns the American imperialism for its hidden support to the coup plotters and demands an immediate stop to violence against the pro-democracy activists taking to streets to agitate for the cause of democracy.

* * *

Party of the Masses statement (Philippines) statement on the coup in Honduras
July 2.

No to Martial Law! Reinstate President Zelaya! The anti-coup mass movement must be supported

The Partido Lakas ng Masa, Philippines, adds its voice in strong condemnation of the coup-attempt by the Honduran military hierarchy, the elite and other vested interests, to oust the legitimately elected President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras. We also condemn the attack on democratic and human rights by the coup-leaders, including the killing, arrests and intimidation of our Honduran comrades, leading the mass movements and social movements against elite interests, now protesting in the streets against the coup-leaders.

We are extremely concerned about reports that the coup government in Honduras has passed a decree indefinitely suspending all constitutional rights in the country. We understand that this means the coup forces can enter homes without warrants, detain anyone with no notice or justification, prohibit all public gatherings, such as marches, rallies, protests or meetings, and maintain censorship of independent media.

This is the declaration and imposition of martial law in Honduras.

The imposition of martial law further confirms that the coup is anti-people and was engineered by elite interests in Honduras. The coup took place as the Honduran people were preparing to exercise their right to vote for the first time in a consultative referendum on the future convening of a constitutional assembly to reform Honduras' constitution, a process similar to that which took place in Venezuela, paving the way for the Bolivarian revolution in that country. It was also in response to several progressive measures taken by the Zelaya government, such as a significant raise in the minimum wage, measures to re-nationalise energy generation plants and telecommunications, signing a bill to greatly improve labour conditions for teachers and joining the regional formation ALBA spearheaded by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia.

The coup also represents a desperate attempt to stop the rise of the revolutionary and progressive movements in Latin America, a trend that US imperialism has been desperately trying to reverse. A coup against the Zelaya government can only serve elite and US imperialist interests in the region.

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