US imperialism's war of terror and solidarity with Palestine will be big features of the World at a Crossroads conference to be held in Sydney from April 10-12.
Among the latest confirmed international speakers are:
Ammar Ali Jan: a socialist activist from what is fast becoming the new frontline of the "war on terror" — Pakistan. He is active in the Labour Party Pakistan as its youth secretary, and has been involved in student anti-war organising in Pakistan and the US.
Salim Vally: spokesperson for the Palestine Solidarity Committee in South Africa, who will bring the experiences and lessons of the struggle against both South African apartheid and Israeli apartheid today. The PSC has been working closely with the Council of South African Trade Unions, particularly during the recent trade union boycott actions against Israeli ships.
Two countries that have shown a steadfast opposition to the so-called "war on terror", and that have supported Palestine, have been Cuba (which has never recognised Israel) and Venezuela (which expelled the Israeli ambassador during the recent massacre in Gaza). The presence of Abelardo Curbelo, Cuban ambassador to Australia, and Nelson Davila, Venezuelan charge d'affaires, will therefore be of great importance.
Also confirmed are: Rob Stary, civil liberties lawyer who has been defending a number of the victims of the Australian government's "anti-terror" laws; Pip Hinman from Stop the War Coalition and the Socialist Alliance; and Issac Shuisha, Israeli-born Palestine solidarity activist with Resistance.
They will join speakers from a dozen countries including Venezuela, Cuba, Malaysia, India, Philippines, Canada and more for three days of debate and discussion over how to build mass movements for radical change.
[For conference program and registration details visit .]