Write on: Letters to the editor
Pinochet 1
We are half way there! The vote from the British House of Lords has found that Pinochet is not immune from prosecution of crimes against humanity. Now we must wait for British Home Secretary Jack Straw to wave his magic wand.
There is not one scrap of evidence that would release Pinochet on "compassionate grounds". Providing that Pinochet's doctors are not pressured to issue statements to the contrary.
If the extradition proceedings are successful it will be a victory for the 70 Spanish families whose relatives were murdered under Pinochet's brutal reign. The British government must act swiftly. A decision in favour of the victims will also give hope to the Chilean people and others who suffered for so long under 16 years of terror and oppression.
New Farm Qld
Pinochet 2
If Chilean dictator Pinochet is guilty, then what about his back up gang in Washington?
Wentorth Falls NSW
No nukes!
The Roy Morgan Research Company was commissioned by the Australian Peace Committee (SA) and the Australian Anti-Bases Campaign to carry out a poll throughout every state and territory on the question of nuclear weapons. The survey was carried out on November 11 and 12, and the results were faxed to the Australian Government before the vote on Resolution L.48 was taken at the United Nations on Friday 13.
The people polled were asked:
1. All nuclear weapons should be destroyed. Do you agree or disagree?
The results were: Strongly Agree 72%, Mildly Agree 15%, Mildly Disagree 9%, Strongly Disagree 3%, Can't Say 1%, (i.e. 87% of people agreed).
2. Australia has signed treaties banning chemical and biological weapons. Australia should help negotiate a global treaty to ban and destroy all nuclear weapons. Do you agree or disagree?
The results were: Strongly Agree 75%, Mildly Agree 17%, Mildly Disagree 5%, Strongly Disagree 2%, Can't Say 1%, (i.e. 92% of people agreed).
3. Australia should keep its military alliance with the United States even though the United States is the biggest nuclear power in the world. Do you agree or disagree?
The results were: Strongly Agree 48%, Mildly Agree 32%, Mildly Disagree 8%, Strongly Disagree 6%, Can't Say 6%, (i.e. 80% of people agreed).
The Australian Government must vote in favour of resolution L.48 when it is voted upon in the UN General Assembly in December.
Australian Peace Committee (SA)