British socialist Dave Kellaway reviews Matteo Garrone’s latest film, Io Capitano (Me Captain), which follows the agonising odyssey of a teenage Senegalese migrant from his home thousands of miles away to the shores of Sicily.
Dave Kellaway
The key to defending Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva's government and ensuring progress will be the revitalisation of the popular organisations and indigenous and labour movements, argues Dave Kellaway.
Anti*Capitalist Resistance editorial board member Dave Kellaway analyses the result of Italy's election.
Hundreds of fascists forced their way into the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL) headquarters in Rome on October 9, reports Dave Kellaway.
Shock followed by surprise followed by upset. The French presidential election, whose first round is April 23, is yet another expression of the political volatility produced by the aftershocks of the biggest economic recession since the 1930s and the incapacity of both neo-liberalism and social democracy to maintain support for their pro-austerity governments.