DSS staffing dispute Robert Johnson BRISBANE — The ongoing dispute over jobs in Social Security looks set to escalate. Management has unveiled plans to axe jobs in a number of offices in Queensland. Twenty-four jobs have been
By Michael Karadjis The impression that Greeks are unanimously behind the Greek government in its campaign against Macedonia has been widely fostered in Australia, by both the Greek media and the establishment media. The reality is vastly
By Francesca Davidson Across the country young environmentalists have begun organising World Environment Day. On June 5 a variety of activities are planned to highlight the need for community action for environmental justice. June 5 was
45D hits Hindmarsh By Anthony Thirlwall ADELAIDE — Residents, conservationists and unionists involved in protests against the building of the Hindmarsh Island bridge will be sued for unspecified damages by property developers Tom and
GLOW backs ANC JOHANNESBURG — The Gay and Lesbian Organisation of the Witswatersrand (GLOW), one of South Africa's two main gay and lesbian rights groups, has endorsed the African National Congress in the elections. GLOW activist Simon Nkosi
Pray for a job "It is essentially an act of faith that the Jobs Compact will improve the job prospects of the participants." — Professor Judith Sloan, of the National Institute of Labour Studies, on the government's green paper on
By Peter Montague The David and Goliath battle of the century is shaping up over a synthetic hormone called rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) that was approved by federal officials in February for use in milk cows in the US. David is
LAUNCESTON — A decision of the state Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has rendered void hundreds of thousands of Newstart agreements entered into by unemployed people. The decision, handed down on April 18, resulted from an appeal by
By Norm Dixon JOHANNESBURG — The African National Congress' ambitious Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP) — the cornerstone of its election campaign — would be funded in part by major cuts in military spending and the nuclear
True Stories: Mother of all Battles — The Battle of Kursk on the eastern front during World War II was the largest armoured battle in the history of war. Testimony from members of the Red Army gives an insight into their motivation against the
Reprinted below is a speech given by Bernard Tunim, foreign minister of the Bougainville Interim Government, on March 8 to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Tunim, who was smuggled out of Bougainville by canoe in mid-February to attend
91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly's Johannesburg correspondent NORM DIXON talks with JEREMY CRONIN, South African Communist Party (SACP) central committee member, and editor of the African Communist, about South Africa's transition to democracy and the prospects for