By Kirsty Chestnutt
Ahhhh, the very word conjures up an array of images — Madonna, married men who fuck men in public toilets on the weekend, luscious threesomes, daggy middle-aged former straights who sit around in support meetings.
Student Independent
High school student magazine against nukes
Published by Brisbane Resistance
Reviewed by Zanny Begg
One of the most noticeable features of the campaign which erupted in the wake of Chirac's announcement
By Jennifer Leadbeater
When I think of capital punishment, it makes me angry. The emotion is so overwhelming that it is hard to explain, except using childlike simplicity such as "It's not nice" and "It's mean and unfair".
By James Balowski
The Magsaysay Foundation in Manila on August 7 issued a statement strongly defending its decision to give its 1995 literary award for Pramoedya Ananta Toer, one of Indonesia's foremost authors. The award had been
By Richard Giles
One of the great shifts in attitude in this decade has come about in the promotion of unleaded fuel (ULP) to replace the dreaded leaded fuel. The issue of petrol and what to do about it has been the bane of environmentally
Health workers win pay rise
By Kim Linden
MELBOURNE — Victorian health workers have won a pay rise after two weeks of industrial action. The deal includes a 5% wage rise backdated to July 1, a further 1% to be paid from
All That Grief: Migrant Recollections of Greek Resistance to Fascism 1941-1949
Compiled by Allan and Wendy Scarfe
Hale & Iremonger, 1994. 256 pp., $29.95 (pb)
Reviewed by Phil Shannon
The stories of 12 Greek migrants to
Mining memorial unveiled
By Liam Mitchell
WOLLONGONG — A memorial to pay tribute to the courage, struggle and sacrifice by coalminers in the Illawarra region was unveiled by the NSW Premier Bob Carr on July 28, outside the
What the agreement trades off
The following is a list of concerns about the proposed public service agreement reprinted from a leaflet published by the ACT branch of the CPSU. It has been slightly abridged.
Approval for Public
By Craig Cormick
@column = Based on highly reliable international contacts, leaked documents and horoscopes from several TV magazines, Nostradamus' Media Watch presents a highly accurate forecast of political events across the globe.
The following messages from the French peace movement and the peak trade union body, the Confederation Generale du Travail (CGT), were given to Australian participants at the commemorations to mark the 50th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki
@9point = Actively Radical TV — Community television's progressive current affairs program tackles the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Friday, 10.30pm.
@9point = How to Save the Earth — The
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