By Stephen Marks TACAMICHE — The soldiers at the checkpoints on the road into the village made it obvious that a military occupation was under way here, in the banana plantation heartlands of northern Honduras. Because of overproduction in the
By Tony Iltis CANBERRA — Proceedings at the ACT Legislative Assembly were disrupted on September 22 by public sector workers angry at the large job losses and cuts to community services in the first budget of Kate Carnell's minority Liberal
Women Out Loud: The Women's Cafe — A magazine program wrapping up the Beijing conference as well as other news and views. ABC Radio National, Saturday, September 30, 5.05pm (repeated Wednesday, October 4, 2.05pm). The Europeans — Maria
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — As campaigning for the December 17 parliamentary elections gains momentum, President Boris Yeltsin is preparing another assault on the federal legislature. Yeltsin has indicated that he plans to block the holding of
Political PrisonersiNsuRgeThrough Warners MusicReviewed by Jen Crothers Those who are at all interested in hardcore music will be interested in the latest offering from iNsuRge. Political Prisoners is a five-track EP with a radical message —
SANDRA MARTIN, recently returned from a visit to England, gives her impressions of the post-Thatcher scene. The England I knew has all but gone. It is surrounded by the shadow of a motorway which cuts a scar through the once lovely green fields and
BRIAN CAMPBELL, from the Irish weekly An Phoblacht/Republican News, recently visited Euskadi — the Basque Country — which straddles the border between Spain and France. The Basque people have been involved in a long struggle for
By Dave Mizon MELBOURNE — After almost ten weeks of strike action, Bass Strait offshore rig workers voted to return to work at a mass meeting held in Sale on September 20. The return to work was based upon a settlement document proposed by
September 16 was the first International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, marking the anniversary of the signing in 1987 of the international Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. While the occasion was a PR
By Wayne Hall ATHENS — The Communist Party posters in the working-class neighbourhoods were unambiguous: "Not Wanted", they said. There were the familiar features of the great man, medals in the form of deutschmarks, dollars and pounds
Action against fascist violence MELBOURNE — A small but vocal group rallied at the Melbourne Magistrates Court on September 20 as National Action leader Michael Brander faced assault charges. As he arrived the group began chanting "Nazis out".
By Melani Iona MELBOURNE — On May 18, a public meeting was held to protest against the possible closure of the Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital. At the meeting the Fairfield AIDS Action Coalition (FAACT) was formed, bringing together