Socialists back Greens HOBART — The Democratic Socialists are urging all progressive activists in Tasmania to give their first vote to the Greens in the state election on February 24. They are also advocating that preferences be given to the
By Lynda Hansen BRISBANE — The Wilderness Society (TWS) hosted a group of Aboriginal elders from Cape York in West End on February 11. Sixty people were entertained by Mbakeh Darboe, a master drummer from Gambia, Nakamura Matsouri band, Chris
Environment, Development, Agriculture: Integrated policy through human ecologyBy Bernhard GlaeserUCL Press, 1995. $39.95Reviewed by Dot Tumney In his conclusion Bernhard Glaeser suggests: "If humankind wishes to achieve sustainable use of natural
By Tim Gooden CANBERRA — Buses, trucks, tractors and vans blockaded the ACT Legislative Assembly in a five-union protest on February 14. Up to 700 members of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and other unions covering heavy vehicle drivers staged a
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Queensland Premier Wayne Goss will resign on February 19, opening the way for a new ALP leader as the Labor government's six-year reign ends. A new Coalition government under National Party leader Rob Borbidge will take
The Greens and parliament Sarah Stephen (GLW #213) is mistaken in her assessment of the struggle between The Australian Democrats and The Greens for parliamentary representation. First. This struggle is more significant than "a squabble between two
Polls indicate that the Tasmanian election on February 24 is likely to result in a hung parliament, with the Tasmanian Greens holding the balance of power. 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly's IGGY KIM spoke to member for Denison and Greens spokesperson PEG PUTT
The explosion shook the whole house. My back hunched and shoulders shot up to my ears, retracting my head like a startled tortoise. John jumped off his chair and, crouching, ran across the room and turned off the light. "What the hell was that?" We
By Sean Healy The massive bomb blast in the East End of London on February 9, attributed to the Irish Republican Army (IRA), has cast doubt over the Northern Irish peace process and the 18-month-old cease-fire between the IRA, loyalist
Three women disarmed an Indonesian-bound Hawk jet fighter at British Aerospace (BAe) Warton near Preston Lanes in Britain in the early hours of January 29. They have been arrested and charged with burglary and criminal damage estimated at $31
By Allen Myers "Where's the money coming from?" This standard response to election spending promises has had a bigger than usual run in the current federal campaign. The state of budget projections — with the implication that this determines how
The 1996 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly $120,000 fund appeal has made a very promising start. So far, close to $13,000 has been collected around the country. Many cities are hosting 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly events over the next few months to raise money for the best