Armed police raided the headquarters of the Nava Sama Samaja Party (New Socialist Party) in Colombo on June 1, while the party's central committee was in session. About 30 policemen armed with automatic rifles, grenades and sub-machine guns broke
New unpublished US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data documents that US pesticide use reached an all-time high of 567 million kilograms in 1995. This is over twice as much chemicals as were used 30 years ago when Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
More than 15,000 people participated in the founding of the new Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP) in Turkey on January 22. Ertugrul Kurkcu, a founding member of this party, recently visited Australia. He was interviewed for 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly by Arty
By Wendy Robertson In the last two weeks of May, some of the largest national mobilisations against cuts to higher education since the 1980s free education campaign took place. Up to 27,000 people participated in rallies organised by the National
Baker's DozenEnda KennyIndependently produced. PO Box 5018, Carlton 3053$30 (includes postage)Reviewed by Alex Bainbridge Enda Kenny is an Australian folk singer on the rise. Baker's Dozen, like its predecessor, 12 Songs, has been widely acclaimed in
By Norm Dixon Oblivious to the terrible human rights record of the Indonesian dictatorship in occupied East Timor and West Papua, in Aceh and Indonesia proper, western governments continue to sell high tech weaponry to the Indonesian military.
By Ben Courtice HOBART — Despite forcing the state government to the negotiating table on June 7, the Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) has been unable to win any government concessions on their wage claim for public sector health
While fashion designers are demanding size 8 models for the catwalk and Juice magazine promotes "fashion to die for", is it any surprise that eating disorders are on the increase? On June 4, the NSW Health Department released a report stating that
NICO WAHID is a leader of Students in Solidarity with Democracy in Indonesia (SMID), a national progressive student organisation with 10 branches across Indonesia which was established in 1991. Nico is in Australia to attend the "East Timor: Its
TrainspottingDirected by Danny Boyle Starring Ewan McGregor, Ewan Bremner, Johnny Lee MillerReviewed by Natalie Woodlock If you're looking for a happy ending, or for a moralising don't-do-drugs-they're-bad-for-you film, you shouldn't see
By Michael Bramwell and Arun Pradhan PERTH — Who is Resistance and what are they doing out west? Looking at the media coverage last year starts to give a (distorted) idea. According to Channel 9 news, Resistance was infiltrating Perth high
By Norm Dixon The brutal military dictatorship of General Sani Abacha is stepping up its harassment of labour movement activists. The British Committee of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR) and the London-based Committee for a