Giving slime the soft sell Primary ColorsDirected by Mike NicholsWith Adrian Lester, John Travolta, Emma Thompson, Kathy Bates and Billy Bob Thornton By Norm Dixon If you can manage it, avoid seeing Wag the Dog until you've seen Primary Colors.
By Wendy Robertson SYDNEY — Five hundred people packed the Harold Park Hotel in Glebe to hear Labor leader Kim Beazley on March 13. Beazley acknowledged that Politics in the Pub was a "radical" forum and an "important sounding board". He urged
Abortion campaigning in Hobart By Kamala Emanuel HOBART — The prosecution of WA doctors for performing an abortion has once again brought into public view the anti-abortion laws across Australia. Hobart pro-choice activists are organising two
Hidden in the wind By Carmela Baranowska "There's history remaining in the grass, or hidden in the wind, or tossing behind the waves" — from Eyewitness: Protest Stories from Indonesia by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. In March 1995, I returned to
By Jo Williams MELBOURNE — Fifty people attended a "Feminism and Socialism" seminar at the Resistance Centre on March 14. Organised by Resistance and the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), the seminar included feature talks, workshops and campaign
Adelaide women debate way forward Comment by Kathy Newnam ADELAIDE — On International Women's Day, more than 800 women vibrantly demanded native title and justice. The platform of the rally included a range of women speaking on the way forward
Life of Riley: St Patrick and the shamrock Would that be St Patrick? 'Tis. The patron saint of dear old Ireland. 'Tis indeed. What manner of reason brings you to these antipodean shores? The Irish. Ah, yes — the Irish. And I was
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Power workers at Queensland's four major electricity stations have threatened to sue Liberal deputy premier Joan Sheldon over remarks she made blaming possible union "sabotage" for the power breakdowns which caused
Sea of Hands A Sea of Hands, organised by Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, was held at Sydney's Bondi Beach on March 20-21 before moving on to Wollongong. Photo by Carla Gorton.
"Native title is going to be Australia's single defining issue", Aboriginal writer, activist and film-maker SAM WATSON told a February 7 Brisbane meeting. "It will be the crucible in which this nation is forged, or the holocaust in which Australia
Adam Hanieh RAMALLAH — Tension in the West Bank has increased dramatically in the last two weeks following the shooting of three Palestinian workers at a roadblock into the West Bank on March 10. As Palestinians working in Israel were returning
Green thumbs up Low-Waste Gardens leaflet seriesFriends of the Earth (Sydney) Review by Jon Land Gardening has become a more popular pastime in recent years, as evidenced the popularity of radio and TV shows such as Burke's Backyard. The