Activists create 'JAILS' By Jim Green In 1998, about 500 people were arrested at the Jabiluka uranium mine blockade in the Northern Territory. Many are to face court in coming months. JAILS (Jabiluka Arrestees Information and Legal Support) has
By Norm Dixon President Bill Clinton on December 16 launched the United States' latest bombardment of the Iraqi people. Disregarding overwhelming worldwide opposition, Washington and London launched a massive four-night air attack that killed at
Living famously By Wendy Robertson 1998 will go down as Resistance's year of living famously. Thanks to the near saturation media coverage our actions and politics have received, Resistance has become recognised across Australia. Year 12 politics
Not very smart By Brandon Astor Jones "Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943) I have just watched a film
WELLINGTON — New Zealand Prime Minister Jenny Shipley has indicated that the law will be changed to allow the Security Intelligence Service to break and enter people's houses. The moves came in early December after the NZ Court of Appeal ruled
By Sean Healy Due to the increase in the number of people wanting to join Resistance and keep in contact with our campaigns, Resistance has changed its membership structure. It still costs $5 to join Resistance ($3 for high school students), but
ERA denies Jabiluka postponement rumours By Justin Randell Rumours that the Jabiluka mine has been postponed have been denied by Energy Resources of Australia. The rumours originated from a press conference for resource journalists in which ERA
Resistance magazine spoke to Maurice Sibelle, coordinator of the Victorian TAFE Students and Apprentices Network (VTSAN), about how TAFE students plan to campaign against voluntary student unionism legislation (VSU). Question: What has been the
Hamba kahle (farewell) Simon Nkoli By Ken Davis On November 30, Simon Tseko Nkoli, one of Africa's most prominent gay and AIDS activists, died in hospital in Johannesburg. His death was front-page news, among the feature stories on World AIDS
Casino workers continue campaign By Bronwen Beechey ADELAIDE — Workers at the Adelaide Casino are continuing their campaign for a collective workplace agreement, despite harassment and intimidation from management. The workers, members of the
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News —
Mass picket supports locked-out workers By Michael Bull MELBOURNE — More than 600 people heeded a call to attend the picket line at the Australian Dyeing Company (ADC) on January 13. The ranks of the picket again swelled by more than 50 people