East Timor
Australia subsidises the Indonesian army with a yearly donation of $8 million, as well as training their troops in jungle warfare, and heaven knows what else that does not reach the newspapers!
It is a proven fact that the relationship
High school walkouts boost Jabiluka student rallies
Rallies against the Jabiluka uranium mine were held on April 29 by tertiary and high school students, who joined the rally after walking out of school. The mine is being built inside Kakadu
Why Labor mined uranium
By Greg Adamson
At its 1977 national conference in Perth, the Australian Labor Party adopted a policy opposing the mining, processing and export of uranium. The policy remained substantially in force until 1984. During
By the Access News team
MELBOURNE — Melbourne's only community controlled TV station is experiencing a financial crisis that could result in the closure of the station forever. Independent TV, free from government or corporate influence, is rare
By Louis Proyect
Small SoldiersDirected by Joe DanteDreamworks SKGAvailable from most video shops Stephen Spielberg was involved with one solid antiwar film in 1998. That film was Dreamworks' Small Soldiers, not the flag-waving Saving Private Ryan.
By Chris Latham
The movement that developed last year in Indonesia, culminating in big upsurges in May and November, was based on concerns arising out of economic insecurity, and growing anger and rejection of the undemocratic and repressive
By Jon Land
While the people of East Timor contemplate the prospect of voting in August on whether to reject or accept the Indonesian government's offer of "autonomy", they are also preparing for an increase in attacks from the pro-integration
To our brothers and sisters in Australia, struggling to defend the right of students to organise to defend their rights and oppose the unjust policies of the Australian government, we send our support and solidarity. The Australian government's
John Howard and Alexander Downer would have us believe that the Australian government has a deep concern for human rights in Indonesia and East Timor. In reality, the Liberal government and the previous Labor government have a record of supporting
East Timor and trade union solidarity
Workers and their unions are starting to discuss how they can take action in solidarity with the East Timorese nation's fight to decide its own future.
Aircraft maintenance workers' delegates at the Qantas
By Jonathan Singer
In the second week of the campaign by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) against mass retrenchments and pay cuts, members of the Korean Metal Workers Federation (KMWF) have played the key role in industrial action.
ANU restructuring'
CANBERRA — On April 12 the Australian National University council announced a review of the structure and programs of all faculties in order to reduce an alleged 15% deficit in funding. The review will be carried out by a
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