Karl Marx: the personal and the political
Karl Marx: An Illustrated HistoryBy Werner BlumenbergVerso, 1998175 pages, $49.95 (hb) Review by Phil Shannon
Karl Marx's mother complained her son wrote Capital rather than made it. She was disappointed
By Boris Kagarlitsky
MOSCOW — Early in September, the main theme of political forecasts in Russia was the supposedly imminent resignation of President Boris Yeltsin. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of Yeltsin, however, regarded all this
Kumarangk demonstration planned
By John Nebauer
ADELAIDE — Activists opposing the building of the bridge to Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) are planning a series of peaceful actions, following a green light to construction work given by the courts
By Jim Green
International efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are faltering as representatives from 166 nations meet in Bonn, Germany, from October 25 to November 5 to debate proposals to reduce greenhouse emissions and reduce global
Johannesburg workers march against privatisation
By Norm Dixon
Around 20,000 members of the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) paralysed the streets of Johannesburg on October 26 to protest against the African National
Comment by Sue Boland
Most Labor Party voters at the last election hoped that the ALP would resist the Coalition agenda. Instead, the Labor "opposition" is preparing a deal with the government to pass its package of corporate tax cuts. The
By Wendy Robertson and Marina Carman
SYDNEY — Despite growing protests from supporters and their own members, leaders of the NSW Greens are still supporting some of the anti-democratic changes to NSW's electoral laws proposed by the Carr Labor
Unionists 'living underground'
By Bill Mason
BRISBANE — Unionists on October 27 held a picket outside a public hearing of the Senate inquiry into the federal government's second wave workplace relations bill, being conducted in the City Hall
By Sam King
JAKARTA — The newly elected President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) announced his cabinet on October 26. Like the combination of Wahid as president and Megawati Sukarnoputri as vice-president, the cabinet's composition represents a
... and vote 'no' to the preamble
The same does not apply to the proposed preamble to the Constitution, which is purely an exercise in hypocrisy and nationalism. Its adoption would not benefit the working class or the left in any way, and Green
Public service anger over performance pay bonuses
By Phil Shannon
CANBERRA — Staff in the commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care will soon be voting on their next certified agreement. An unpopular attempt to introduce performance pay
Stay of execution for Mumia Abu-Jamal
On October 26, federal Judge William Yohn granted the framed African-American journalist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal a minimum six months' stay of execution, bringing the possibility of a retrial
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