Bridge to nowhere This is a call for united action to save our environment. The Ngarrindjeri nation is calling on all fair-minded people to support their fight to stop the Hindmarsh island bridge. The Bridge to Nowhere has begun. Builder Built
By John Burke DARWIN — This year's major review of indigenous education in the Northern Territory by former NT senator Bob Collins reiterated that the problems facing indigenous people are systemic, bridging justice, health, housing and education
A monogamy gene? Scientists at Emory University claim to have found a gene that regulates some aspects of animal social behaviour, including whether mating couples stay together or move on to other sexual partners. The researchers labelled it
By Sue Boland Corporate profits are booming at record levels. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics figures published on November 18, company profits before tax increased by 6.5% over the last three months (17.3% over the last 12 months) to
Sri Lankan left unites for election The following is abridged from a statement issued Nava Sama Samaja Party (NSSP) of Sri Lanka on November 15. EEThe presidential election will be held on December 21. After severe defeats in the war against the
Stone dulls anti-war message SaviorDirected by Peter AntonijevicProduced by Oliver Stone and Janet YangIn cinemas from December 2 By Jonathan Singer Savior, the new Oliver Stone film, depicts the spiritual death and moral self-discovery of a US
Forest legislation stumped The Senate voted to uphold amendments to the Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) Bill on November 24, setting a double dissolution trigger if the bill is again altered by the Senate next March. The Senate insisted that RFAs
By Max Lane A formal administration of East Timor by the United Nations was established on November 27 when the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) issued its first regulation. The regulation claimed "all legislative and executive
By Michael Karadjis According to the New York Times of November 14, "Serbia proper begins at the heavily guarded bridge ... in Kosovska Mitrovica, some 30 miles south of Kosovo's actual border with Serbia". The term "Serbia proper" means Serbia
By Vinicio Molina PERTH — The 17th Southern Cross brigade to Cuba has been finalised; 31 brigadistas from all over Australia and New Zealand will leave for Cuba on December 26. A number of unions Australia-wide have sponsored delegates to
Scottish Socialists make big gains in first year By Pamela Currie and Lisa Young GLASGOW — The phenomenal rise of the Scottish Socialist Party since its launch in October 1998 is an inspiration to socialists. A working example of socialist
By Simon Butler Most students, and much of the wider community, recognise that there is a crisis in tertiary education funding. The Howard government promotes the introduction of increased student fees and university privatisation as the only