Tax office workers strike BY CHRIS SLEE MELBOURNE — Unionists at the Australian Taxation Office struck and picketed their offices on May 11 in support of a demand for a better agency agreement. The workers, mostly members of the Community and
BY MELANIE SJOBERG Manufacturing bosses, politicians of both Labor and Liberal stripes and right-wing media commentators are watching closely the current election inside the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), which ends on May 19. And
Bondi protests Olympics impact BY MARINA CARMAN AND ALISTAIR DICKINSON SYDNEY — Despite being described as a "sad turnout" of "rabble" in a vicious editorial in the Australian, a 200-strong action succeeded in delaying construction of the
Few Australians heard about the March meeting in Bonn, Germany, at which a handful of delegates, led by those from the United States and Australia, brought negotiation of an international treaty to eliminate persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to a
Write on: Letters to the editor Johnny Coward John Howard is to be applauded for his stance on reconciliation. Not because an apology is not in order, nor because reconciliation with the traditional owners of this country is not an important
Song for Reconciliation SYDNEY — "Songs get through to people's soul", Aboriginal singer Betty Little said, explaining why her music is a powerful tool for building bridges of understanding between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.
Let off for minister over Yanner affair BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — Queensland Premier Peter Beattie said on May 8 that he was taking no further action against mines and energy minister Tony McGrady for a letter the minister forwarded to the judge
Songs of protest, humour, justice and love The Times We've Been ThroughPeter Hicks$25 from Resistance Centres (addresses page 2)Order at <http://www.indie-cds.com> or phone (03) 6295 1032 Review by Alex Bainbridge Unfortunately, there
Shiftworkers to gain on penalty rates BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — Up to 200,000 Queensland shiftworkers stand to gain a wage rise following a historic union claim for afternoon and night penalties to override an "outdated" flat rate. At the end of
Biological parenthood A group of scientists from France, Italy and Spain have made a breakthrough in fertility treatment which will allow women using donated eggs to conceive a child which is genetically their own. The technique, described in
Short story by Craig Cormick "Smell that fresh country air", says John Citizen, with the car window wound all the way down, and the wind blowing through the whole car. "This is the best idea you've ever had", says his wife, Gail, from the front
SOUTH AFRICA: Millions strike over job losses Close to 4 million workers in South Africa joined a national strike against job losses on May 10, according to the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). Around 400,000 strikers marched