Write on: Letters to the editor Interest rates Why have interest rates been going up? One argument is that as rates rise overseas Australia must follow suit to access an adequate supply of the world's savings. This is a bad argument. The
It's time to be offensive COMMENT BY DALE T. MCKINLEY "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention" — anonymous It's disgustingly consistent. Open the newspaper, turn on the television or radio, access the internet and you are more than
Anti-nuke cycle to raise awareness BY DAVE MURPHY DARWIN — The second "Cycle Against the Nuclear Cycle" left the Jabiluka uranium mine in Kakadu National Park on June 5 to ride the 6300 kilometres to Perth. The first cycle, from Melbourne,

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe is not used to losing. The wily septuagenarian is using every trick in the book to make sure that the popular trade union-backed opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), does not win a majority at

SIERRA LEONE: The bobby is back on the beat Behind its propaganda, British foreign policy is undergoing significant changes. The armed intervention in Sierra Leone is a case in point. It is the biggest of its kind since Margaret Thatcher's
FIJI: West threatens split The claim by the terrorists who have kidnapped Fiji's prime minister and government that their actions are supported by most "indigenous" Melanesian Fijians has been dealt blow by the announcement that Melanesian Fijians
Police stop students entering campus BY CHRIS LATHAM WOLLONGONG — Fifteen police and security guards blocked 20 students' access to the opening of the University of Wollongong's new Shoalhaven campus on June 2. The students had been attempting
"The Australian government should immediately impose the comprehensive sanctions on trade, shipping, travel, mail, banking and sporting links on Fiji called for by the Fiji Trades Union Congress. They should be maintained until the 1997 constitution
Mosh with a message Mark MarkHeiferAvailable from <http://surf.to/heifer>GlisterGlister4-track CDAvailable from <http://fly.to/glister> Review by Barry Healy Triple J listeners will be familiar with western Sydney mosh masters
Pacific Journalism Online shut-down SUVA — The Pacific Journalism Online web site at the University of the South Pacific (<http://www.usp.ac.fj/journ/>) has been closed by the USP administration. Vice-chancellor Esekia Solofa said the
BY MELANIE SJOBERG "The results in the Community and Public Sector Union national election show that a large number of members oppose the policies of the leadership and are willing to back a team of progressive activists", Jim McIlroy, Members
BY JAMES VASSILOPOULOS & BILL MASON "What do we want? Democracy! When do we want it? Now!", chanted 250 Indian-Fijians and their supporters at a rally outside Parliament House in Canberra on May 31. The protest, organised by the Movement for