By Sean Malloy After months of discussion and preparation, on December 1 a group of new and alternative parties formed a red-green Alliance that could become New Zealand's next government if early opinion poll results hold up. "The seeds of
By Melanie Sjoberg MELBOURNE — The November 12 Dili massacre provided the Australian government with an opportunity to correct its policy, Fretilin UN representative Jose Ramos Horta told a public meeting here on January 19. But the
By Tracy Sorensen DARWIN — When the Country Liberal Party Northern Territory government announced it would axe Darwin's Women's Information Centre, feminists here began two courses of action: a campaign in defence of the centre, and a plan to
By Craig Cormick Each December, as the world turns its attention to the Nobel Peace Prize, other individuals and groups are honoured with an alternative peace prize. The recipients, chosen by the London-based Right Livelihood Award jury, are
By Jolyon Campbell Despite diplomatic recognition by the countries of the European Community and others including Australia, one-third of Croatia remains occupied, and sporadic fighting continues. Green Left spoke to journalist Alemka Mirkovic
Admit the boat people! Historically, times of economic downturn in Australia have brought increased calls for reduced or racially based immigration, as demagogic political forces seek to deflect popular anger from the real causes of the crisis.
JFK Directed by Oliver Stone With Kevin Costner Reviewed by Nigel D'Souza Anyone who was conscious on November 22 1963, is likely to possess memories of that day when John Kennedy was assassinated. For me, three days short of my sixth
The Bare-foot Bushwalker By Dot Butler ABC Books. $25.00 Reviewed by Denis Kevans Dorothy, "Dot", Butler recreates her remarkable life in The Bare-Foot Bushwalker". There's a photo of Dot, 50, climbing out of a crevasse in the Tasman Glacier
Numerous companies have gone bankrupt since the recession began in late 1990, but none have attracted the amazing public support that has gathered around the failed Compass Airlines since it closed down on December 19. Its staff and many other
Recent reports linking cot deaths, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) with a face-down sleeping position in the baby are supported by WA scientists J.A. Corbyn and P. Matthews. In their paper, the scientists argue that the major contributory
By Elizabeth Ahlston As knowledge of the interdependence of all life forms grows, the need to stem the greed and selfishness of our species is a major imperative. The right of humans to exploit the environment and other animals is increasingly
By Tom Jordan and Allen Myers CANBERRA — A unionist and peace activist has filed a formal complaint alleging "intimidation and anti-union activities" against two officers of the Australian Federal Police. Electrical Trades Union member Don
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