BY NICOLE COLSON CHICAGO — "The only way they're going to hear us is in the streets. No to war! Yes to peace!" That was the message that Lucas Benitez had for the crowd of Chicago protesters who gathered just hours after George Bush began raining
BY LINDA WALDRON How does a working-class hero reconcile conservative ideas with a revolutionary reputation? After participating in a Melbourne press conference with Billy Bragg, I am convinced it is an amusing and confusing exercise in
REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON Howard Zinn on WarBy Howard ZinnSeven Stories Press, 2001206 pages, $34.95 (pb) With every militarist hothead in press and parliament lashing themselves into a frenzy over the war they have just started against Afghanistan,
BY NORM DIXON The day after the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state in the Nixon administration, demanded that the US government "destroy the network" of whoever committed the
BY SARAH STEPHEN & DANIEL MOYA Bashir Shamkhi's wife and three children were on the boat intercepted by the HMAS Adelaide on October 7. He knows exactly the desperation and fear which led some to jump overboard when confronted by the warship and
Opposition to the United States' war on Afghanistan should be a major focus in upcoming Reclaim the Night marches around the country. Feminists played a key role in the anti-Vietnam war movement in the 1960s, the movement against the Gulf war in
BY JIM GREEN The terrorist attack in the United States on September 11 has led to renewed calls for the Australian government to cancel its plan to build a 20-megawatt nuclear research reactor in the southern Sydney suburb of Lucas Heights. But the
BY NORM DIXON On October 7, US President George Bush announced that the shooting war component of the US military's "Operation Enduring Freedom" was underway. But perhaps a more apt title for the US war on Afghanistan would be Operation Enduring
BY LEE SUSTAR The public display of the American flag has been hailed as a symbol of "national unity" and "resolve" by George Bush, network news anchors and politicians of both mainstream parties. But many protests against the US war drive have
Anti-war message comes to UCan CANBERRA — The anti-war movement came to the University of Canberra on October 19, when activists held a speakout and petition stall, with props highlighting the truth about George Bush's "war on terrorism".
BY NICOLE COLSON CHICAGO — "I don't know of any American that hasn't been inspired with the understanding of the willingness of law enforcement to do whatever is necessary to secure the safety of American citizens." That's what Attorney General
BY OWEN RICHARDS SYDNEY — A student occupation of the Goolangullia Aboriginal unit at the Bankstown campus of the University of Western Sydney has entered its third week. The occupation — a rejection of a university restructure and its effects