Museworthy: Wooden Bird painted crowd; unsurprised children quietly skipping; everyone where they are supposed to be following the announcement of a new world — until,into the very centre of the square from a juxtaposed tree and sky falls
What are we to do with the refugeeswhen we have racists to appease?What we needed was a specific resolutionbut had to make do with the Pacific solution.Just across from the Long White Cloudin the land of the John White Howardlived a people who once
BY NORM DIXON Professor Hans Koechler, the UN secretary-general's observer to Libyan citizen Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed al Megrahi's appeal hearing against his conviction for murder of the 270 people killed in the 1988 Lockerbie air disaster, on March
Chaplin: His Life and ArtBy David RobinsonPenguin, 2001892 pages, $33 (pb) REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON It would have been Charlie Chaplin's greatest performance. "I'd have turned up in my tramp outfit — baggy pants, bowler hat and cane — and when
BY JIM GREEN The Australian Conservation Foundation argued in its 2000 Blueprint for a Sustainable Australia, "The digital revolution is merely the first taste of a complete industrial revolution, a sustainability revolution". The ACF did not
BY URI AVNERY TEL AVIV — The real aim of “Operation Defensive Shield” was not to “destroy the infrastructure of terrorism”. This was merely a good slogan for uniting the people of Israel, who are angry and afraid after the suicide
BY EVA CHENG General Pervez Musharraf has claimed that 70% of those eligible to vote in Pakistan's April 30 referendum participated, and that 97% endorsed his bid to remain the country's president for a further five years. However, a
BY LEO ZEILIG Madagascar is best known for its unique wildlife and as a destination for Western tourists, who are keen, according to a recently published tourist guide, for a "taste of the exotic". However, largely ignored by the international
BY JAMES CAULFIELD CANBERRA — The Liberal Party received a "Racists of the Year" award from 150 protesters on May 1, during the M1 rally and justice tour. Awards were presented by a "neo-liberal grim reaper" to several companies and organisations
BY ALISON DELLIT With the conclusion of two public hearings into proposed "anti-terrorist" laws, the Labor and Coalition parties are beginning to define their positions on the package of legislation. The package looks likely to pass with
BY PETER LEWIS [The following comment appeared on Workers Online, the NSW Labor Council web site, on May 3. The author is the site's editor.] Unionists watching the shambolic and violent affair that was the M1 protest could be forgiven for
91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly spoke to M1 protesters at the morning blockades of Australasian Correctional Management in Sydney and the immigration department in Melbourne, about why they decided to protest. Kylie Evans, a student at Melbourne University said