BY ROSA ZULU HARARE — More 6000 workers gathered for the May 1 rally in the Gwanzura stadium here enthusiastically supported socialist MP Munyaradzi Gwisai's criticism of the participation of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in
Embrace the ChaosOzomatliInterscope Records REVIEWED BY MARGARET ALLUM& CHUCK STEMKE Ozomatli's new album, Embrace the Chaos, has a different feel to the Los Angeles-based band's self-titled debut album. But it is still full of the joy of life
A federal judge in Houston in April ruled that, under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, it is legal for an executive from a US company to bribe a foreign official to reduce the company's tax burden or customs duties in another country. The case
BY NEW YORK TRANSFER NEWS COLLECTIVE NEW YORK — The administration of US President George Bush lumped Cuba into its “war on terrorism” on May 6 — placing the country on a second-tier “axis of evil” list with Syria and Libya. The US
Astonishing! I am becomea communist, a leftie, a red-ragger, revolutionary surely not! Che, that handsomehero on the wall is one ofthose — not me?Yet I want a socialism that's funa green onewith no national flag. No more false grim imagesof
Representatives from nine Third World countries, led by Cuba, proposed during a February World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiation session that future agricultural trade rules should be geared towards meeting the Third World's development needs.
Dita Sari is a former Indonesian political prisoner and is chairperson of the militant Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI) union federation. She is also a leading member of the left-wing Peoples Democratic Party (PRD). 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳
BY HELEN SLANEY MELBOURNE — Melbourne University Student Union staff are on indefinite strike and students are occupying MUSU's education office, in protest at student officials' attacks on campus activists and staff. On May 2, students using
BY EVA CHENG Four of Pakistan's oppressed national groups — the Sindhi, Pashtuns, Baluchi and Seraiki — are joining forces to oppose their domination by the Punjabi ruling class. In Sydney to attend the second Asia Pacific Solidarity
BY TIM ANDERSON The "war on terrorism" is the big lie of the 21st century. It has nothing to do with a civil defence against people who fly planes into buildings. Before September 11, there were already laws against that in almost every country on
BY PIP HINMAN SYDNEY — "We have no relationship with Indonesia anymore. We have to find our own way", was how Erwanto, a visiting Acehnese democracy leader summed up his people's determination to win their independence. Speaking at a meeting
The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid Edited by Roane Carey Verso, 2001 354 pages, US$20 Order at <http://www.versobooks.com/> REVIEW BY ERIC RUDER Most stories about Israel's war on the occupied territories refer to