BY RUSSELL PICKERING PERTH — Not everyone has been pleased by the success of the NOWaR Alliance (Network Opposing War and Racism) in organising some of the biggest anti-war protests ever in Perth. Jan "JJ" Jermalinski, who claims to represent

SYDNEY — Fifty global justice activists protested outside a "breakfast speech" by trade minister Mark Vaile, to the Australian Institute of Export in Sydney's CBD, early on the morning of May 31. They were opposing a free trade agreement with the
Our Woman in KabulBy Irris MaklerBantam Books, 2003356 pages, $32.95 REVIEW BY HARRY THROSSELL A revealing aspect of Irris Makler's multi-layered book, Our Woman in Kabul, is her account of the US government's support for Osama bin Laden, and
BY LIAM MITCHELL& ADRIAN WRIGHT SYDNEY — On May 29, some 40 supporters of striking workers at can manufacturer Morris McMahon joined the picket line, then in its 12th week, to stop the scab bus in the morning, while 60 wharfies arrived during the
BY CHRIS SLEE MELBOURNE — Ghada Karmi, a Palestinian woman living in Britain and author of In Search of Fatima: a Palestinian Story, argued for Palestinians to return to the goal of creating a single, democratic secular state in historic
BY TONY ILTIS MELBOURNE — The Inner West Migrant Resource Centre in Footscray, one of the oldest in Australia, has been forced to close its doors as a result of the federal government's refusal to advance the funding — $170,000 — it would
BY SUE BOLTON Representatives of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) couldn't believe their ears at a meeting in Canberra when a young technocrat from the Productivity Commission blandly told them, "We might just have to
BY JUDY McVEY & ANDREW HALL The positive results for the opposition Members First candidates in the Community and Public Sector Union elections for national officers, held May 2-21, "show that large numbers of members want to mobilise the
By JAMES BALOWSKI JAKARTA — Amid mounting reports of civilian casualties and human rights violations by Indonesia's armed forces (TNI), the government is moving to suppress opposition to the so-called "restoration of security" operation in Aceh,
BY PIP HINMAN SYDNEY — Lesley McCulloch, who spent five months in an Acehnese prison last year, said the current level of repression against ordinary Acehnese by the Indonesian military and police is "extreme". Since martial law was declared on
BY SOPHIE HURNDALL The following speech was delivered at a Palestine solidarity rally in London's Trafalgar Square on May 17. Tom Hurndall is an activist with the International Solidarity Movement. I have been asked to speak at this rally as the
BY MURRAY SMITH PARIS — More than 600,000 people marched here on May 25 — 1 million across France — in an impressive show of working-class opposition to the French government's attack on pension rights. The demonstration was the latest in a