BY JONATHAN STRAUSS Ashok Manohar, general secretary of the Lal Nishan Party (Leninist) of Maharashtra state, India, died in Pune on July 31 after a massive heart attack. He was only 54. Manohar started his political journey in the early 1970s as
BY JAMES VASSILOPOULOS CANBERRA — On August 2, the ACT Australian Education Union executive decided recommend to the AEU branch council that the ACT Labor governments third offer in the initial installment of the enterprise bargaining agreement
BY DOUG LORIMER "Susan Schuman's son writes home from Iraq complaining of poor living conditions, skimpy water rations and dozens of daily attacks on US troops that go unreported. The mother of a Massachusetts National Guardsman stationed in Iraq
BY PAMELA CURR The Tampa woke Australia and the world to the savage brutality and unprincipled cunning of the Howard Government. Before the Tampa, concern for asylum seekers was found mainly amongst the usual miners canaries — those people in the
BY JENNY LONG SYDNEY — NSW Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) workers have responded furiously to vicious cuts to be imposed on the ADB by the Premier Bob Carr's Labor government. The government's plans for massive funding cuts to the ADB became
BY ROHAN PEARCE An opinion poll, conducted August 7-8 by YouGov on behalf of the Mail on Sunday, confirmed that support for the ruling British Labour Party is continuing to plummet as the lies spun by Prime Minister Tony Blair's government to
BY PETER ROBSON The Wodonga campus of La Trobe University only offers one humanities subject. There are almost twice as many students enrolled in the course as there are places. The lecture theatre's doors are closed as soon as all the seats are
TARIQ ALI is a long-time political activist, author and socialist. In the 1960s and '70s, he was a leading figure in the British movement against the US war against the people of Vietnam. He is currently an editor of the New Left Review. Ali spoke
BY SUZETTE MITCHELL How do you see global feminism? The Girls Go Global Project is an international initiative that seeks to bring together contemporary and pop culture images of global feminism, created by women and girls across the globe. The
BY ANNE SIMPSON The Bellingen Rural Australians for Refugees (BRAR) group formed in October 2001 following an exhibition of refugee art and a subsequent forum at the Bellingen 2001 Global Carnival. A week later, 20 concerned locals met to express
BY SARAH STEPHEN Australia's treatment of refugees took its ugliest turn with the hijacking of the MV Tampa by heavily armed SAS squads on August 29, 2001, and the subsequent remote incarceration of thousands of asylum seekers, without any access
BY DOUG LORIMER The gushing tributes made by the warmakers in Washington, London and Canberra for the United Nations "special representative" in Iraq, Sergio Viera de Mello, provided an answer as to why Iraqi patriots would target the UN mission