Alison Thorne
In an attempt to silence dissent against the war in Iraq, flag-waving followers of KVI-AM radio hurled racial epithets and threatened violence in a multi-ethnic Seattle neighbourhood on April 30. The protest was sparked by a single
Kerry Nettle
Instead of investing in our common future the federal Coalition government spends money on waging an illegal war, on regressive tax cuts, buying swinging votes and divisive public policy — and all this while presiding over the most
Doug Lorimer
Growing support among Iraqis for the armed resistance against the US-led occupation has led top US military officers to acknowledge that the US is headed for defeat in Iraq. According to the May 9 Washington Post, this "view is far
Office closure angers union members
NEWCASTLE — Rank-and-file members of the Community and Public Sector Union have reacted with disbelief and outrage to a proposal by the CPSU National Management Committee (NMC) to close the Newcastle organising
Jon Lamb
Not much has been publicly revealed about the mid-April negotiations between Australia and East Timor on the maritime boundary. The ABC Four Corners on May 10, however, made it clear that the Coalition government intends to continue to
Graham Matthews, Melbourne
The Victorian state budget handed down on May 4 was headlined by an increase of $2 billion in spending on health. The ALP government also promised an extra 250 teachers over two years. Yet the budget includes an attack on
Kamala Emanuel, Hobart
Kay Patterson, the minister assisting the prime minister for the status of women, claims the budget shows the government's "strong ongoing commitment to the women of Australia", referring mainly to the $3000 maternity payment
Dick Nichols
Suddenly, with a federal election looming, there's money to burn. There always was, of course, but this time last year Coalition treasurer Peter Costello was lecturing us about the need to pay off government debt and to build the
Selena Black, Sydney
Postal workers across NSW, Victoria and Queensland went on strike for 24 hours on May 13, following the breakdown of negotiations over a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) and Australia Post's unwillingness to accept
Steven Katsineris
"Most people want change; really we want change. We really want a solution, we want to go and be a member of the European Union... And we really want to have a real identity, because the Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus have been left
Howard chased off campus
CANBERRA — Prime Minister John Howard's attempt to launch the Coalition's new policy on research and development funding at the CSIRO on May 6 was gatecrashed by 150 angry students and activists from the Australian
Alex Miller
Low-paid childcare workers in Scotland have been striking since March 1 for better pay and conditions. A Nursery Nurses' Voice bulletin issued by the Scottish Socialist Party on April 29 described as "shameful" the decision by the
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