Eva Cheng Hong Kong's phoney election for a new chief executive took a farcical twist on June 16 when the legally required secret ballot was done away with, leaving no possibility for even isolated protest votes to be cast. With strong
SYDNEY — On June 20, the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) council voted 13-to-three in favour of introducing full-fee-paying places for up to 35% of domestic undergraduate places next year. Michelle Sparks, president of the UTS Students
June 29 1919: Police open-fire on a Townsville protest against the arrest of unionists and nine people are seriously wounded. 1954: The CIA backs a coup to oust Guatemala's left-wing government. July 2 1965: Victorian secondary school
Dick Nichols The fourth issue of Socialist Alliance's quarterly magazine Seeing Red, now out, focuses on the federal Coalition government's plans to break the back of the Australian trade union movement through its "reforms" to industrial relations
NEWCASTLE — Environmental group Rising Tide staged an evening protest in Civic Park on June 21 to highlight the damaging impact of climate change. More than 200 people gathered for the winter solstice, symbolising a period of peak energy
Lachlan Maxwell, Huon Valley The federal government's forest industry rescue package has protected the large Myrtle tract of the Tarkine forest, selective areas of the Styx Valley, and other minor areas throughout Tasmania from intensive forestry
Live radio plays: July 3, 7pm, The Body in the Basement and July 10, 7pm, Sit on My FacetsThe Studio, Sydney Opera House$20/$15, for bookings phone (02) 9250 7777 or visit <http://sydneyoperahouse.com/thestudio> Feel the drama. Live the
Doug Lorimer In stark contrast to the endless coverage of the supposed "rescue" of Australian-born hostage Douglas Wood, most media has been silent on revelations of hundreds of Iraqi Arabs and Turkmen kidnapped by US-backed Kurdish police and
MELBOURNE — A local fight-back against PM John Howard's industrial relations "reforms" kicked off in Melbourne's western suburbs on June 22, when a newly formed coalition of community and union members organised a 100-strong forum in Footscray.
Rohan Pearce US troops shot Farqad Mohammed Khinaisar at 8am on May 29. She was 15 minutes away from the Baghdad high school she taught at when a convoy of soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division opened fire on her car. Her death was the end result
Sam Wainwright There's a change in the air. In the first few months after PM John Howard was re-elected and he revealed the full scope of his government's anti-worker agenda, depression and despair were everywhere to be found. The message coming
Jude Deland & Jill Redwood The East Gippsland region is a hot-spot of biodiversity. It covers only 4% of the Victoria, yet is home to more than 300 rare and endangered species, half of the state's 3000 native vascular plant species and 43 different