Marce Cameron
On May 1, Cuba's socialist government raised the country's minimum wage — from 100 to 225 pesos per month — and sharply increased pensions for retirees. This was followed on July 1 by additional pay rises of 57 pesos for doctors
Greens media release issued on July 8.
The whole world has its arms around London, Greens Senator Bob Brown said today. "That is why the terrorists will fail. The global goodness of the human community is in London with the innocent victims.
Nick Everett, Canberra
"[Industrial relations minister] Kevin Andrews and [Department of Employment and Workplace Relations secretary Peter] Boxall are writing the new rules for public sector workers", Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)
Under the federal Coalition government's proposed new industrial relations laws, businesses employing up to 100 workers will be exempt from unfair dismissal laws.
Almost 3.7 million people — or 99% of the Australian work force — work in
On June 26, the San Jose Mercury News published emails suggesting that the newly created Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence National Guard unit had been spying on members of the peace groups CodePink, Raging Grannies
Doug Lorimer
On July 2, 50 representatives and activists from an array of left groups, workers' unions and social movements, met in Auckland and founded a Workers Charter movement.
"The voice of working people isn't reflected in the agendas of
Stop the War Coalition (Sydney) statement
London Bombings: The Price of Occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine
In response to the bomb attacks in London on Thursday evening (Sydney time), Prime Minister Tony Blair, President George W.
James Balowski, Jakarta
Hundreds of Acehnese residing in the Indonesian capital Jakarta demonstrated on July 4 in support of the current peace negotiations being held in Helsinki, Finland, between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh
Stuart Munckton
Venezuela hosted an energy summit with officials from 16 Caribbean countries on June 29 that furthered President Hugo Chavez's plan to create an alternative trading bloc known as the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA).
The series of terrorist bombings that occurred in London on the opening day of the G8 summit in Scotland had striking similarities to the series of bombings of commuter trains in Madrid in March 2004 carried out by supporters of Saudi Arabian
On June 28, Pastor Julius Ngayami, a spokesperson for the Ogiek people, appealed to the Kenyan government to stop evicting the Ogiek from their traditional home in the Mu forest. The Kenyan government has evicted more than 100 Ogiek families, many in
Bride of SilenceDirected by Doan Minh Phuong and Doan Thanh NghiaMelbourne Film Festival, July 20-August 5
Ten years in the making, Bride of Silence, which screened recently to full houses at the Sydney Film Festival, is
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