The Vote: How It Was Won And How It Was UnderminedBy Paul FootViking (Penguin) 2005 506 pages REVIEW BY ALEX MILLER Paul Foot, who died in July 2004, began this ambitious book in 1990, and completed it shortly before his death, having been
James Crafti On May 12 Sydney resident Phillip Reiss was shot with a "rubber" bullet in the back of the head while demonstrating in the Palestinian village of Bil'in. The misleadingly named "rubber bullet" — a metal cylinder covered by a
In the best electoral result for the English left in many years, Respect won 16 councillors in the May 4 local council elections. In the seats of Newham and Tower Hamlets — both poor, working-class, inner-city areas of London with substantial
June 28 national day of action ACT Canberra: Lunchtime rally, Garema Place, Civic (time to be confirmed) NEW SOUTH WALES Armidale: Rally details to be confirmed Lismore: 12.30pm, Magellan St, Lismore Newcastle: 10am, Newcastle Panthers
Chris Peterson, Melbourne On May 15, 200 students rallied outside a university council meeting at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology to protest against RMIT's decision to cut funding to the student union. RMIT plans to cut funding to the
A colourful flotilla will occupy and disrupt the world's largest coal exporting port — Newcastle Harbour — on June 5, World Environment Day. We want canoes, kayaks, surfboards, surf-skis, tinnies, rafts, floating banners, flags and people
Doug Lorimer "Malnutrition among Iraqi children has reached alarming levels, according to a UN-backed government survey showing people are struggling to cope three years after US-forces overthrew Saddam Hussein", Reuters reported on May 15. The
MELBOURNE — In the early hours of May 11, police attacked 150 Indigenous activists and their supporters as they removed embers from the "sacred flame" that had been burning in the Kings Domain park in central Melbourne since the Camp Sovereignty
On May 14, Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez spoke to a meeting of 800 people in London, with hundreds more being turned away, during a triumphant two-day visit hosted by Mayor Ken Livingstone. Thousands of people turned out to greet
Kim White, Sydney On May 6, 500-700 people attended the Rock the Block festival in the inner-city suburb of Redfern, enjoying five hours of Indigenous and non-Indigenous music and films. Money raised by the festival will contribute towards a new
SYDNEY — On May 14, 50 people attended a "Vigil for a Free Palestine" at Circular Quay, one day before the 48th anniversary of the beginning of Al Nakba (The Catastrophe), when 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homeland by Zionist
Sarah Stephen On May 11, the House of Representatives' last autumn sitting day, PM John Howard's government tabled the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 - legislation that will extend the 2001 "Pacific solution" to