Simon Cunich, Sydney Students inflicted a small blow to the Australian military machine on July 18 when they stopped a department of defence briefing at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). The defence department was on campus to promote
Alex Bainbridge Central Sydney was filled with throngs of people — many from the Lebanese and Palestinian communities — as 20,000 people marched on July 22 to protest the bitter injustice of Israel's latest offensive against Lebanon and
Mohammad Helmy One of the world's most powerful military machines is pounding civilian areas in Palestine. People, including little children, are dying in Gaza. International laws are being broken and collective punishment is being exercised
On July 2, Bolivia held historic elections for representatives to a Constituent Assembly to rewrite the constitution, fulfilling what has long been a key demand of Bolivia's indigenous poor and social movements. President Evo Morales and his party,
MELBOURNE — Engineers cannot ignore the social impact of their work and must take responsibility for it, Monash University professor Don Schauder told 45 engineers and others attending the first Australian meeting of the Society on the Social
Twenty-three years ago, in late July 1983, Sri Lanka's Tamils were terrorised by angry mobs murdering, maiming and burning their homes in an orgy of violence unparalleled in the island's history. This article is published courtesy of Eelamurasu.
Michael Karadjis Israel and its apologists claim that Israel's brutal terrorisation of the Lebanese people is an act of self-defence following a cross-border raid by the Lebanese organisation Hezbollah, which captured two Israeli soldiers. However,
Israel's incessant and indiscriminate bombardment of Lebanon in response to Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 is an outright act of terrorism. It is a continuation of the Israeli state's ongoing war against the Palestinian
Refugees At a recent Politics in the Pub forum in Sydney, a cheer went up when a speaker, Phil Glendenning (director of the Edmund Rice Centre) said: "We must internationalise this issue." That issue is the ill-treatment of refugees in Australia.
Jose Pertierra Cuba calls the shots; and Venezuela pays the bills. That is the major premise underlying the report made public on July 10 by the US State Department concerning Cuba. Its findings are as much about the Bush administration's plans for
Peter Boyle I'll tell you all the news.I lived in a suburb,a suburb of Madrid, with bells,and clocks, and trees ...And one morning all that was burning,one morning the bonfiresleapt out of the earthdevouring human beings —and from then on
Magali and Brian McDuffie Opponents of a new bypass through Tugun, in northern NSW, say the state-federal supported development will endanger hundreds of species of plants and animals and ride roughshod over an important Aboriginal site, the