The RumourWritten and directed by Jane MaloneWith Patrick Drew, Cherie Davis, Fiona Butler, Randall Mettam, Ross YoungPlaying at the Crypt Theatre, Cat & Fiddle Hotel, BalmainUntil August 20 REVIEW BY LACHLAN MALLOCH How the times have changed
PERTH — On July 30, 130 people attended a forum organised by the Perth Peace Group on the conflicts enveloping the Middle East. The speakers were Carmen Lawrence, federal MP for Fremantle; Dr Simon Adams from Notre Dame University and NoWar
On August 3, 26 striking power-loom workers in Gojra were arrested, including union chairperson Mian Abdul Qayum. Cases were also registered against 30 other activists, including Farooq Tariq, general secretary of the Labour Party Pakistan and
Doug Lorimer "The US commander in Iraq confirmed that a 3700-strong contingent of American combat troops equipped with armoured fighting vehicles is to be brought into Baghdad", Agence France Presse reported on July 29, adding: "General George Casey
Pip Hinman Refugee-rights campaigners and supporters of a free West Papua welcomed the Refugee Review Tribunal's (RRT) ruling on July 31 to overturn the government's decision not to grant a temporary visa to the last of the 43 West Papuan asylum
Mary Merkenich At a July 29 state council meeting, the Victorian branch of the Australian Education Union (AEU) gave the green light to the first stage of the privatisation of state schools. The council was presented with a motion about
SYDNEY — The ABC reported on August 1 that the federal government had issued a "$17 million contract for a private boat that will be fitted with machine guns and used to patrol the waters off the Northern Territory and Western Australia ... The
Dave Riley Investing in media in this country is very good business indeed, and for some families it even seems a favoured pastime. In case you hadn't noticed, ownership of the Australian media is concentrated in a few wealthy hands. Any list of the
Simon Cooper& Ruth Riordan, Istanbul Since 1982, 122 people have given their lives in unlimited hunger strikes, known as death fasts — in struggling for the human rights of political prisoners in Turkey. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the
Stuart Munckton Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez carried out a successful two-week international tour, beginning on July 21, to Argentina, Russia, Belarus, Iran, Qatar and Vietnam, frustrating efforts by the US government to isolate
Hard CandyWritten by Brian NelsonDirected by David SladeGeneral release REVIEW BY LACHLAN MALLOCH A female avenger who turns the tables on a predator is an appealing dramatic idea. Thelma and Louise and Bandit Queen did it well on the big screen;
PERTH — As part of the Australian Council of Trade Unions' Your Rights at Work campaign, Unions WA is undertaking a bus trip, beginning on August 5, through the north-west of Western Australia to build community support for the campaign against the
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