Comment by Dave Wright The Greens, a party which hopes to become a national green party, was launched on August 30. This party is mainly based on the newly formed Greens in Queensland, some Green groups in NSW and the Tasmanian Independents,
Just say no "Joining the Australian Labor Party gives you a real say ... A real say in encouraging Victorians to work together and in changing the workplace for the better by improving our skills, safety, profits and long term job security."
Fiji trade unions ban Emperor By Norm Dixon The confrontation between the Australian-owned Emperor Gold Mines Limited and Fiji continues to escalate. On September 17, the Fiji Trades Union Congress voted to ban all equipment and materials
By Maurice Sibelle BRISBANE — The state elections on September 19 recorded a 2.7% swing away from the major parties. When counting was completed, 7% of votes were for alternative candidates. Of 89 seats in the state parliament 25 were contested
By Jill Hickson WOLLONGONG — Supporters of women denied work in BHP's Port Kembla steelworks picketed a BHP shareholders' meeting in Sydney on September 25. The women, many of them supporting families on unemployment benefits, made the trip
Concerns over closing of refuge By Claudine Holt SYDNEY — On September 18, the largest women's refuge in NSW closed its doors. The Marion Centre — for women and children escaping from violent relationships — was closed by the management
Radio 2EA Workers in action for jobs By Bruce Marlowe SYDNEY — "Restructuring" has struck again. This time the potential victims are about 300 workers at the Special Broadcasting Service's Radio 2EA, migrant languages radio for New South
Drop charges against Austudy Five, say unions By Joan Doyle MELBOURNE — Several unions have called for charges to be dropped against five protesters arrested following a student demonstration here earlier this year. The Victorian branch
Too Many Cubans in Cuba em = By Denis Kevans There's this place called Cuba, It's full of Cubans, they live there, For some reason, unspecified, of course, They're very secretive people, Cubans, They refuse to divulge the reason, Why they
Nicaraguan hunger strikers win demands MANAGUA — Disabled ex-soldiers, widows and mothers of fallen combatants, and demobilised former soldiers have ended a hunger strike after the government agreed to increase their pensions. After nearly
Chileans march for justice By Jenny Forward ARICA — On September 11, the 19th anniversary of General Augusto Pinochet's bloody coup, there was an emotional march by 70,000 people to the tomb of Salvador Allende. The action was the start
Brown backs 'clean green' candidates MELBOURNE — Victorians would get best value by voting for independents backing small business, local control and "clean green" produce, Tasmanian Green MP Bob Brown said on September 24. Brown spoke at
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