The released the statement below on August 26. It was delivered by Ngarla Kunoth-Monks, CLC executive member, and Rob Roy, CLC member, at the 45th anniversary celebrations of the Wavehill walk-off at Kalkaringi, the Northern Territory.
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Kalkaringi, NT — We are the Central Land Council and we have been elected to speak for our Land, our Law and our Culture.
We demand that the government permits us to take the future in our hands.
The released the statement below on September 6.
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Frustration is again boiling over in the Darwin detention centre. There have been six attempted suicides in the last two days — five on Monday, and one on Tuesday.
Yesterday, Tuesday, fellow asylum seekers followed one man onto the roof of one of the compounds and physically prevented him from attempting to hang himself.
There have been reports of up to 15 attempted suicide and self harm attempts a day in the past few days.
The , a national alliance of more than 105 community, industry and environmental groups concerned with the damage caused by coal and coal seam gas mining, released the statement below on September 6.
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To: All the female and male Chilean students, and to their families.
In the face of the attacks on education by the Chilean government and the accompanying pressures of national and international financial corporations, a strong, sizeable and inspiring student movement exists.
Student activists are doing everything possible to protect public education because education is a right for everyone and should not be sold.
We state that:
We sympathise with and we fully support all Chilean students.
Education should be free and accessible.
The sign-on statement below was initiated by the (ACOSS). To add your name or organisation to the statement, visit .
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