Loose cannons

March 24, 1993

Blame God

"This election means in a way that the whole Protestant ethic of hard work bringing its own reward is in doubt." — A "prominent Liberal" quoted in the March 23 Bulletin.

Pass a law against it

"Unfortunately, there's too much law in our society." — Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett.

Growth industry

"Killings are escalating. I pretty much see this as a growth industry." — Michael Newton, US writer who specialises in books on serial killers.


"We are the best police department in the world, but we are not perfect. Rodney King should never have been hit fifty-six times; yet many of the blows which struck him were correctly placed so as not to cause serious injury, exactly as we teach in the Academy." — Daryl Gates, former chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, in his autobiography.

Dead, anyway

"I think our direction and our policy principles were dead right." — John Hewson.

Hippocrates would be proud

"Many groups in America face health risks ... The AMA is committed to speaking out on their behalf, and for others in need, establishing programs and policies that protect and defeat their rights to a long and healthy life." — American Medical Association letter to physicians.

Safe prediction

"I am not going to leave this country to a socialist government." — John Hewson.


David Lange, former prime minister of New Zealand, is reported to be trying to reverse the decision of a local council, which has named a toilet block after him.

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