Fabulous fetishes
By Alex Cooper
MELBOURNE—On Tuesday, March 8, 3CR will broadcast its annual International Women's Day program from the Brunswick Pool. Part of this 24 hours of live radio starting will be a comic extravaganza for women only entitled Fabulous Fetishes at the Brunswick Town Hall. The show starts at 8pm and will be broadcast live.
Fabulous Fetishes is an all star comedy debate featuring Lisa Bellear, Lily Bragge, Maude Davy and Patricia Cornelius. They will present opposing cases on whether feminism can fulfil fantasies. Cartoonist Judy Horacek will compere the event, with Tracy Cooper hosting the radio show. The cost is $8/5 including refreshments. Doors open at 8pm. Sally Anne Upton and Janine Delorenzo will kick off the special broadcast at 8.30pm.
3Cr's 24-hour IWD broadcast begins at midnight on Tuesday with Eve's Cavern, a selection of women's folk music and discussion. The line-up features industrial and political issues, the views of indigenous women, community languages, lesbian voices, health, sport, arts and music right through till midnight.
For further information ph Anna Lopata on 419 8377.