On the box

October 24, 2001

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Ph 9565 5522. Visit for program details.

Chemical Kids — Considers the effects of chemical over-exposure, from the way children's learning is affected, its influence on behaviour to the impairment of the ability to fend off disease and to reproduce. SBS, Tuesday, October 30, 8.30pm.

The Silences of the Palace — Describes the days of slavery in Tunisia and the condition of the servant class, mainly women, during the reign of the puppet kings — the Beys — before the French colonial yoke was thrown off in 1956. SBS Wednesday, October 31, 12.30am.

ICAM — A profile of Bobby McLeod, singer/songwriter and activist for indigenous rights. Details his early days fighting for the rights of his people, and involvement in the 1972 Tent Embassy in Canberra. SBS, Thursday, November 1, 7.30pm.

The Mary G Show — Ex-executive officer of the Kimberley Land Council Peter Yu, Yatangal rock band and satire on Pauline Hanson and John Howard in "Two to Tango". SBS, Thursday, November 1, 8pm.

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