News briefs #3

November 17, 1993


Rock against Howard

BRISBANE — Five-hundred people crammed into the Arena on September 16 for the Rock Against Howard national tour.

Steve Towson, the Herd, Frenzal Rhomb and Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett provided entertainment and political commentary.

A Liberal Party delegation, including PM John Howard, made an appearance (aka the Herd decked out in grey suits and a strikingly realistic Howard disguise).

Ewan Saunders

Medicare Alliance challenges election candidates

ADELAIDE — On September 14, more than 50 people attended a forum organised by the South Australian Medicare Alliance in the Hindmarsh electorate.

David Scrimgeour from the Medicare Alliance outlined the role of Medicare in ensuring equity of access to health care. He argued that funding to the public health system was the most effective way of delivering quality health services. He cited examples of countries where private health simply pushed up the overall costs of health care.

Greens candidate Tim White stated his support for Medicare and for full funding for public health, including primary health care. White was the only candidate who clearly stated that his party did not support private health insurance rebates.

ALP candidate Steve Georganis declared that Labor would keep the private health insurance rebate because families have already factored it into their budgets.

Liberal Party candidate Simon Birmingham confounded most of the audience by declaring that the Coalition will continue funding the private health sector because it can "ease the squeeze" on the public sector.

The South Australian Medicare Alliance brings together medical practitioners, community health centre representatives, the Australian Nursing Federation and community activists.

Melanie Sjoberg

Venezuela solidarity group initiated

SYDNEY — On September 13, a screening of the documentary film The Revolution Will Not Be Televised was held at the University of NSW. The film records the events surrounding the defeat of the April 2002 coup against the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Following the screening, those attending decided to initiate a Venezuela solidarity group at UNSW. For more information, or to get involved, phone Shua on 0438 806 948.

Shua Garfield

From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, September 22, 2004.
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