A menu of exploitation

March 15, 2006

CANBERRA — The Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union's campaign for Filipino guest workers hit the streets on March 10 to expose a Canberra restaurant found guilty by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations of more than $5000 in underpayment of wages. Unionists targeted popular cafe districts where the rogue restaurants are located, with fake menus listing an entree of "Broken promises" and "Threats of deportation", main courses of "Unsafe working conditions" and "Unpaid overtime", and "Insufficient meal breaks topped with a sprinkling of callous disregard" for dessert. The LHMU will continue its "naming and shaming" campaign if the workers' demands are not met.

Photo by Tim Stewart.

From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, March 15, 2006.
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