As It Happened: Life Behind The Wall — Looks at the now extinct German Democratic Republic 15 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. SBS, Saturday, March 18, 7.30pm.
Message Stick: Julie Dowling — With the support of her identical twin sister Dowling is able to reveal through her paintings the long history of her people's struggle. ABC, Sunday, March 19, 1.30pm.
Ruthie and Connie — A story of love, friendship, passion and politics and the price two lesbian Jewish grandmothers paid to be themselves. ABC, Monday, March 20, 11.05pm.
Targets: Reporters In Iraq — Looks at how kidnappings and decapitations have become a real threat to journalists, and discusses the effect violence has had on their lives and how it influences their work. SBS, Tuesday, March 21, 8.30pm.
Living Black — Indigenous news and current affairs program. SBS, Wednesday, March 22, 6pm.
From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, March 15, 2006.
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