Tibet: A precious Human Life
By Damon Annison
Distributed by Brumby Books,
$35 (pb)
Damon Annison has produced an uplifting book of portraits of Tibet and the Tibetan people. As he says, "The Tibetans I have met are proud and show a genuine warmth. They easily smile, laugh and sing; it is infectious. Before you know it you're smiling, laughing and singing with them."
The beautiful photos that Annison has taken and fill each page of the book are evocative of the haunting landscape of the country of Tibet. They also develop a stunning picture of the culture of the Tibetan people — from Buddhist monks to mothers with their children to craftspeople at work.
Part of the proceeds of the book will go to the Tibet Women's Association and the Australian Tibet Council . The photo essay is self-published by Annison. Copies of the photos may be purchased as fine art photographic prints by contacting him at mail@damonannison.com.au.