Premiere of Palestinians Don't Need Sidewalks - Genocide, Resistance, Complicity

Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:30pm Tuesday 04 February


Dendy Cinema
Newtown NSW


Dare to Struggle Films, makers of Palestine under Siege, has released its latest documentary on the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Palestinians Don't Need Sidewalks takes us on a journey through occupied Palestine. It profiles, through Palestinian eyes, life under Israeli occupation. The film builds on the investigation of a Jewish professor, a Palestinian Australian student activist and a former politician into Israel’s settler colonial, apartheid society as documented in “Palestine Under Siege”.

From before 1948, the zionist project has been working to ethnically cleanse the country of Palestinians.Palestinians featured in the film reinforce their commitment to resist the zionist theft of their land.

The film also investigates Australia’s complicity with the Israeli-US genocide of Palestinians.Both major Australian political parties are endeavouring to reinvigorate our manufacturing industry by integrating it into the US military supply chain.

Dare to Struggle Films partnered with the Hebron Human Rights Defenders  who provided interviews and footage, which profile the increasing settler violence  happening in the West Bank. Some of the funds raised from the film will go to supporting the Hebron Human Rights Defenders.

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