
Search results

  1. Bolivian women rise up

    Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera used his January 21 inauguration speech to call for global socialist ...

  2. Colombia: Army mass grave discovered

    largely ignored the mass grave scandal. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and his former defence minister ...

  3. Colombian regime cracks down on indigenous protests

    Agreement. The protesters are also calling for President Alvaro Uribe's administration to comply with ...

  4. Colombia-US military plan causes grave concern

    condemn Colombia's actions. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe refused to attend the summit because of ...

  5. Venezuela, Colombia and the threat of war in Latin America

    social change. Tensions between Venezuela and the US-aligned government of Colombian President Alvaro ...

  6. Chavez: Only US withdrawal can ensure peace in LA

    Colombian President Alvaro Uribe is "impossible". "Never has a government, and there have ...

  7. Media silent on Colombian atrocities

    of President Alvaro Uribe. As of February 25, Associated Press, Reuters and their contracted media ...

  8. Colombia: Uribe declares state of emergency

    771 October 17, 2008 Colombian President Alvaro Uribe declared a 90-day "state of ...

  9. Colombia: War criminal wins poll

    repression, serving as outgoing President Alvaro Uribe’s defence minister. Santos prosecution of the war on ...

  10. ECUADOR: Washington frets over 'Bolivarian' candidate

    Alvaro Noboa, are running at close to 10%. The main danger for Correa lies in a second round run-off ...

  11. ECUADOR: Elite creates 'smokescreen' for FTAA entry

    guerrillas and, like Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, has been accused of having of ties with drug cartels. ...

  12. BOLIVIA: Elections on a muddy playing field

    Alvaro Garcia Linera. Even the Bolivian mainstream press is talking of an attempt by the MNR to put in ...

  13. Leftist candidate wins Ecuador election

    Correa, a former finance minister and economics lecturer, received 57% of the vote, defeating Alvaro ...

  14. Latin America moves on celluloid

    religious preacher; and Freddy the hairdresser, whose partner Alvaro is HIV positive. Screening at the ...

  15. Bolivia: Calm between storms

    Alvaro Garcia Linera told Opinion that "the forces that want to destroy the constituent assembly ...

  16. ECUADOR: Landslide triumph for the left

    "anti-corruption" PRIAN of Alvaro Noboa — Correa's opponent in the presidential election run-offs last year and ...

  17. Bolivia: The other Cochabamba rises

    Alvaro Garcia Linera, along with all nine state governors, would stand for an up or down vote from the ...

  18. Interview with Bolivian Vice President Garcia: 'Political crisis' a media beat-up

    Bolivia's capital city is strongly felt in Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera's house, which ...

  19. Colombia: Chavez leads freeing of FARC-held prisoners

    the right-wing Colombian government of President Alvaro Uribe. Chavez had originally been negotiating, ...

  20. Raul Reyes and Colombia's tragedy

    40% of drug profits, and is connected to the large cocaine cartels. Colombia's President Alvaro ...
