2023-25 Israeli genocide on Gaza

protesters outside an arms fair

Police repression against student Palestine solidarity encampments in Canada has urged unionists to come forward in defence of students, campus workers and Palestine solidarity activists, reports Jeff Shantz.

The Jewish Council of Australia has renewed its call on federal Labor to pressure Israel to stop committing genocide, following Israel’s May 27 airstrike on Palestinians reduced to living in tents. Pip Hinman reports.

The month-long Australian National University Gaza Solidarity Encampment decided to relocate to another part of the campus after management sent in security guards and threatened students with arrest. Kerry Smith reports.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton believes Israel’s leaders have been hard done by the International Criminal Court and suggests Australia cut ties to show its solidarity. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Assala Sayara speaking on May 19

Gather for Gaza rallied for a ceasefire and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine. Kerry Smith reports.

Students at Curtin University who set up a Palestine solidarity encampment outside Vice Chancellor Harlene Haynes’ office say the Guild’s memorandum of understanding with management is inadequate. Alex Salmon reports.

The Nakba never ended, Walyalup/Fremantle, May 25

The 33rd week of continuous protests against Israel's genocide in Gaza took place the same week as the International Criminal Court sought arrest warrants and the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to abandon its military offensive in Rafah.

The ICC prosecutor’s assessment follows the now increasingly acknowledged claim that Israel’s army and security forces have unleashed needless killing and suffering. Binoy Kampmark reports.

student encampments and staff picketing

Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah argue that Israel will fail in its military objectives in Gaza because of the Palestinian people’s resistance, which is buttressed by an growing anti-war movement in the United States and the condemnation of the world’s majority.

As support for Israel drops, supporters of the Zionist project feel more isolated and become more hysterical. Sue Bull reports.

University of Melbourne student encampment

The inspirational Gaza solidarity encampments, initiated by university students across the world, pose a sharp challenge to Western governments complicit in Israel’s genocide, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Palestine Solidarity Conference, Naarm/Melbourne, May 12

The second Palestine Solidarity Conference organised by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network attracted more than 250 people. Alex Bainbridge reports.