
Global warming — the result of fossil fuel burning — means bushfires will become more frequent and severe. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is blindingly obvious, as is adaptation. David Bowman reports.

The federal government has announced a new funding package to increase strategic and scientific activities in Antarctica. Rupen Savoulian argues that while the funding will benefit science, geopolitical considerations are behind it.

Countries are vying for their slice of ice, sometimes citing reasons of scientific collaboration but more often it is about national self-interest. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Last year was by far the hottest year in the observation record, with the global average surface temperature 1.24° Celcuis warmer than the late nineteenth century, according to . This broke the record set the previous year of 1.12°C, which in turn broke the previous mark set in 2014 of 1.01°C.

Although the El Nino conditions of 2015–16 had some influence — perhaps 0.2°C — it is clear that the warming trend is 1°C or more.

Gemma Weedall gave this speech at the March in May rally in Adelaide on May 18. She is a member of the Climate Emergency Action Network and the Socialist Alliance. *** This week I heard some news that really scared and shook me. Believe it or not, I’m not talking about the budget – although that did too.