carbon dioxide

GHG emissions

A new study reveals that scientists employed by fossil fuel giant ExxonMobil between 1977–2003 correctly predicted the rate of temperature rises as a result of carbon emissions, reports Binoy Kampmark.

A more climate-friendly federal government does not give Victoria an excuse to become complacent, argues Anna Langford.

A decade of inaction means that the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C will not be met, according to the Climate Council. Patrick McDonald reports.

Socialist Alliance supports the student-led climate movement and Extinction Rebellion and all those who want to work together to boost the numbers for the next global strike called for September, writes Jacob Andrewartha.

On May 11, recorded that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had risen above 415 parts per million (ppm). The safe level is 350 ppm.

This is the first time since humans have existed that there has been this much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it is well beyond the safe limit.

Should the climate movement call for the restoration of a safe climate, rather than just zero emissions? According to a recent paper, , by climate writer Philip Sutton, greenhouse gas concentrations are already too high to avoid dangerous global warming, so the zero emissions goal is inadequate.