Aged residents in care are dying at alarming rates from COVID-19, while the Prime Minister wastes precious time trying to convince us that the system is not in crisis. Jackie Kriz argues for a complete overhaul.
Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Keeping older loved ones at home, like other countries do, is not that simple, especially when those who write aged-care policy place no value on humanity unless it turns a profit. Suzanne James reports.
Aged care should not be a profit-making opportunity for giant corporations, argues Janet Parker.
Overwhelmed nurses, carers, elderly residents and their families have exposed that a root cause of so much of the neglect in private centres is understaffing. Jim McIlroy reports.
The nurses union has welcomed the recommendations of the royal commission into aged care but criticised its failure to mandate greater funding transparency for the largely private sector, reports Jim McIlroy.
Former PM Paul Keating's user-pays aged-care 'solutions' will not help, argues Jim McIlroy.