War on Afghanistan (2001–2021)

A recording of a public forum on left perspectives of the Afghanistan war and aftermath hosted by 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ and the Socialist Alliance.

Hundreds of Afghan-Australians marched to the steps of Parliament House in Adelaide to demand the federal government lift the country's humanitarian intake of refugees trying to flee Afghanistan. Kerry Smith reports.

Jim McIlroy argues that the lesson of Saigon in 1975 and Kabul in 2021 is that imperialist invasion and domination lead to disaster. 

Afghan women in the 19070s

As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, Afghanistan's history is suppressed, writes John Pilger.

The US-NATO 20-year war on Afghanistan unleashed terrible suffering, including a massive loss of life and the wholesale destruction of the country’s civil infrastructure. Bevan Ramsden argues the Australia-US military alliance must be questioned.

Afghan Women’s Mission co-director Sonali Kolhatkar spoke with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) about the unfolding situation on the ground.

The belief by liberal feminists in the ostensibly feminist nature of the imperialist interventionist project headed by the United States and its European allies is false, writes Yanis Iqbal.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison boasts that Australia is rescuing Afghans, resettling refugees and will implement humanitarian programs. However, as Stuart Rees writes, this is cover for cowardice.

Anne McMenamin reports on another huge show of solidarity for the Afghan community.

A large a protest called for freedom for Afghanistan, women’s rights, refugee rights and much more support the Afghani community.  Susan Austin reports.

91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳’s Pip Hinman spoke to Shayaan, a member of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan about the situation on the ground in the country.

Anti-war groups are backing widespread calls on the Australian government to swiftly give security to Afghan asylum seekers, reports Pip Hinman.