Correction In the article "Pelican Point picket wins support" (GLW #359), Stuart Easom from Community Action for Pelican Point was quoted as saying, "While the police have been arresting ordinary citizens at the picket, the real criminals are
GST and the Democrats "Mr Costello has my number", Democrat leader Senator Meg Lees declared after independent Senator Brian Harradine announced that he would vote against the government's goods and services tax. Her words had a double meaning,
By Michael Karadjis The May 6 agreement of the G8 countries (the major imperialist countries plus Russia) underlines that NATO's terror bombing of Serbia has nothing to do with helping the oppressed Kosovar Albanians. The genocide unleashed by the
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Two men who took part in the Patrick lockout dispute as Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members last year, former Queensland branch organiser Bob Carnegie and union activist Mick Fulton, spoke to 30 people after a
Scots punish Labour, vote left By Alan McCombes As the Holyrood [Scottish parliament] election results poured in on May 7, there were scenes of jubilation among New Labour's dwindling battalions of Scottish activists — an outpouring of relief
Solidarity with East Timorese and Indonesian people grows Campaigning in solidarity with the East Timorese struggle for independence and the Indonesian people's struggle for democracy heated up around Australia last week, building up to the
By Jonathan Singer The federal government's budget has increased the push to impose compulsory work on the unemployed in return for dole payments. The government is to enforce "mutual obligation" — the obligation on the jobless to work for
Comment by Doug Lorimer "The Kosovan Albanians have the right to national self-determination, just like all the other peoples of the Balkans. But that does not mean that socialists should support the KLA [Kosova Liberation Army]. Nationalist
Jabiluka: the plot thickens By Jim Green Pressure from Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) has increased on the Mirrar traditional owners to concede on their opposition to Jabiluka uranium mine. The company has brought the construction of a
Massive destruction "As the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia enters its second month" wrote correspondent Michael Dobbs in the April 25 Washington Post, "allied bombing has achieved one significant result: the destruction of large chunks of the
A short time ago, the regime in Indonesia was one of the most stable in Asia. President Suharto had been in power for 32 years and was considered invincible. Political life was held in the iron grip of the military. Those who dissented were
ANC social policy follows World Bank advice By Patrick Bond JOHANNESBURG — Leaders of the African National Congress defend the South African government's lamentable economic record since 1994, which has included the loss of half a million